Table 2au. New Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized Unadjusted Units for Regions, Divisions, and States Annual 2003 Num of Struc- tures With 3 and 4 5 units 5 units Total 1 Unit 2 Units Units or More or More United States 1889214 1460887 40936 41577 345814 20781 Northeast 182443 124412 11036 7408 39587 2103 New England 52395 39486 1896 1350 9663 497 Connecticut 10435 8180 266 126 1863 136 Maine 7933 7308 216 196 213 27 Massachusetts 20257 13037 862 701 5657 222 New Hampshire 8641 6583 320 226 1512 79 Rhode Island 2286 1948 70 22 246 17 Vermont 2843 2430 162 79 172 16 Middle Atlantic 130048 84926 9140 6058 29924 1606 New Jersey 32984 22163 2870 912 7039 382 New York 49708 24196 5512 3714 16286 786 Pennsylvania 47356 38567 758 1432 6599 438 Midwest 371002 287295 10390 11169 62148 4062 East North Central 249470 193443 6700 7832 41495 2758 Illinois 62211 45379 1354 2321 13157 693 Indiana 39421 31891 1460 824 5246 397 Michigan 53913 44726 700 965 7522 613 Ohio 53041 42703 1016 2495 6827 556 Wisconsin 40884 28744 2170 1227 8743 499 West North Central 121532 93852 3690 3337 20653 1304 Iowa 16082 11841 386 439 3416 229 Kansas 15049 11494 764 388 2403 195 Minnesota 42046 32731 608 992 7715 377 Missouri 29309 22730 1502 1175 3902 305 Nebraska 10339 8652 288 49 1350 93 North Dakota 3721 2344 30 156 1191 64 South Dakota 4986 4060 112 138 676 41 South 849279 670131 11272 11800 156076 8887 South Atlantic 527858 417199 6414 6489 97756 5208 Delaware 7760 6748 8 16 988 54 District of Columbia 1427 152 4 0 1271 30 Florida 213567 156852 3658 3740 49317 2621 Georgia 96704 80683 708 827 14486 580 Maryland 29914 23398 144 114 6258 307 North Carolina 79226 66883 1086 571 10686 743 South Carolina 38191 31553 310 461 5867 373 Virginia 55936 46263 404 708 8561 468 West Virginia 5133 4667 92 52 322 32 East South Central 92200 77456 1274 1254 12216 941 Alabama 22256 17671 212 153 4220 303 Kentucky 20404 17428 538 383 2055 205 Mississippi 12010 10138 110 176 1586 131 Tennessee 37530 32219 414 542 4355 302 West South Central 229221 175476 3584 4057 46104 2738 Arkansas 14839 10072 404 457 3906 308 Louisiana 22220 18478 530 341 2871 202 Oklahoma 14968 12729 298 69 1872 159 Texas 177194 134197 2352 3190 37455 2069 West 486490 379049 8238 11200 88003 5729 Mountain 215887 180260 2772 5126 27729 2007 Arizona 74996 65845 742 874 7535 502 Colorado 39569 33837 634 741 4357 295 Idaho 15091 12601 278 910 1302 100 Montana 3767 2340 322 323 782 48 Nevada 43366 33090 76 944 9256 711 New Mexico 13759 11865 330 215 1349 97 Utah 22525 18417 284 918 2906 217 Wyoming 2814 2265 106 201 242 37 Pacific 270603 198789 5466 6074 60274 3722 Alaska 3531 1740 930 249 612 67 California 191948 139870 2228 3673 46177 2761 Hawaii 7284 6213 102 83 886 75 Oregon 25015 17875 928 883 5329 300 Washington 42825 33091 1278 1186 7270 519