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ID Theft Alert: If You Are a Victim of Identify Theft

Document Actions

If you find evidence of identity theft on your credit reports AND have verified the fraudulent activities with your creditors or financial institutions, take the following steps:

    • Immediately close the accounts that have been opened fraudulently or have unauthorized activity. 
    • File a police report, and get a copy of the report to submit to creditors and others who may require proof of a crime.  If you wish to file a police report, you may call one of the following numbers to reach your local police department:
City and County of Honolulu   911
Maui County   244-6400
Kauai County   241-1711
Hawaii County   935-3311
    • Contact any one of the credit bureaus to place an "extended fraud alert" on your credit report. See Placing a Fraud Alert elsewhere on this website for specific details.
    • File a complaint with the FTC online at
    • Keep a record of all communications with credit bureaus, creditors, financial institutions, and police, including dates and to whom you spoke.

The FTC document Take Charge: Fighting Back Against Identity Theft, which is available at, contains detailed information on how to deal with and recover from identity theft.

Last modified 2006-04-10 03:41 PM