CalFlora Logo Calflora provides information on wild California plants for conservation, education, and appreciation.
About Calflora

Species Information

Observation Library

Plant Name Library










Advanced Species Query. Use this form to customize queries and output from the Calflora Database, or use the simple species query.

For more information, see About Calflora or Instructions.

If you have a query that is not supported by this form, please contact us.

Order the results by: (multiple)
  Field Name   Value
(more name choices below)
common name contains
any part of any name contains
ID calrecnum
Group lifeform (multiple)
phylogenetic category
Distribution California native? any yes no
range (multiple)
county distribution per observations in Calflora Occurrence Database (multiple)
number of occ records
Special Status Plants CNPS rarity code
California State Rare & Endangered listing status (multiple)
Federal Rare & Endangered listing status (multiple)
Cal-IPC Weed Code (multiple)
Federal Noxious Plants List   Any
Listed Not Listed
State (CDFA) Noxious Plants List List: (multiple)
Habitat plant communities (multiple)
lower elevation ft.
upper elevation ft.
descriptors contains
affinity to serpentine soil greater or equal to
wetland status (multiple)
Nomenclature calname (taxon w/authors)
Calflora ssp/var
Calflora author2
parent or child?
parent record number
parent name
Misc. USDA PLANTS code
ITIS Taxonomic Serial Number (TSN)
Format Do not display photos.
Return only species names in text format.

Calflora: Information on California plants for education, research and conservation. [web application]. 2007.
Berkeley, California: The Calflora Database [a non-profit organization]. Available:

Calflora  -  1700 Shattuck Av #198, Berkeley, CA 94709  -  510 528-5426