Flooding services and information 
Get comprehensive flood services and resources for King County such as real-time reports, data and interactive maps, tips for preparing for and coping with flood events, assistance programs for floodplain residents, plans and ordinances governing land use in floodplains.

Lake services and information
View graphs and data showing the current condition of lakes in King County, get ecologically-friendly tips for waterfront residents, read reports about water quality and invasive aquatic plants, and learn about lake stewardship and look up ordinances governing lake uses.

Puget Sound marine topics
Look up water quality reports, graphs and data about Puget Sound and its marine ecosystems in King County. Includes a photo library of the fish, plants and invertebrates of the Sound, shoreline tips for waterfront landowners and educational information describing the nearshore ecosystem.

Natural resource lands 
Learn how King County manages its pristine and working resource lands-- from historic farm lands in the Lower Green River Valley, to working forest lands near the I-90 corridor, to riparian ecosystems along the Cedar River-- and look up individual properties for low-impact recreational use.

Shoreline Master Program
The home page for the King County Shorelines Program, a multi-department effort to update the county's thirty-year-old Shoreline Master Plan.

Stormwater services
Standards documents and King County programsand services and information about King County Washington's Stormwater and NPDES Municipal Permit compliance programs.

Water Supply in King County 
Learn how King County plans to insure its future water supply and look up information about drought, wells and groundwater management, water conservation and reuse, regulations, news, and various services.

Groundwater management
Look up well data, maps, reports, educational information, policies, regulations and plans for the long-term management of aquifers in King County.

Wetland information
Look up comprehensive information about wetlands in King County including their plants and wildlife, development and mitigation rules, wetland maps, and programs for restoration and education.

Forestry services and Information
Find services and resources for landowners that promote sustainable forestry and healthy forests in King County. Contact forestry experts for advice and sign up for classes, apply for forestry grants, learn how to write a forest management plan, and learn about programs to reduce property taxes.

Agriculture services and Information
Find services that support local farms,  resources to help farmers get thigns done in King County, and help with farming in environmentally friendly ways that benefit everyone.

Related information

Related agencies

News and Announcements

July 11, 2008
External opinion, Seattle Times
The land clash: Can we preserve the green?

CAO ruling: FAQ

July 8, 2008
External article, Seattle Times
KingCo case may determine state land use regulations

July 7, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
Court nixes county's land use limits
Half of property would have had to stay natural

Please report errors and offer suggestions about the Water and Land portal to Fred Bentler, webmaster.