

Summary of Amendments Considered as Adopted Under the Rule to
H.R. 2590 - Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, FY 2002

Amendment #1 Strikes $60 million for security at the 2002 Winter Olympics and reallocates it as follows: $2.9 million for the Custom Air and Marine Interdiction Program; $2.0 million for the Custom Service for intellectual property rights enforcement; $4.7 million for the Treasury's Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; $2.4 million for additional HIDTAs; $20 million for GSA construction activities; and $27.9 million for partial costs associated with pay parity for civilian employees.

Amendment #2 Makes the provision of $10 million for Expanded Access to Financial Services contingent upon such funds becoming available upon authorization of the program.







* Summaries derived from information submitted by the amendment sponsors.