

Summary of Amendment Made in Order Under the Rule to
H.R. 7 - Community Solutions Act of 2001

Rangel/Conyers/Frank/Nadler/Edwards/Scott Amendment - Democratic Substitute. Retains all of the provisions of the bill as reported with the following changes: revises section 1991(e) in section 201 to make clear that religious organizations receiving taxpayer dollars for charitable choice programs cannot discriminate in employment on the basis of an employee’s religion, religious belief, or a refusal to hold a religious belief, adds a new section (i) to section 1991 in section 201 to prohibit the charitable choice provisions in the bill from preempting or superceding state or local civil rights laws; revises sections 1991(j) of section 201 to make clear that religious programs cannot engage in sectarian instruction, worship, or proselytization at the same time and place as the government funded program; deletes the indirect assistance provision; deletes the tort liability reform provisions; and includes a revenue offset that reduces the recent tax cut for the top income rate by 0.2 percentage points to offset the cost of the tax benefits included in Title I. 60 Minutes







* Summaries derived from information submitted by the amendment sponsors.