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» Whip Hoyer Demands a Return of Fiscal Responsibility, March 28, 2006
...I thank both Mr. Ross and the Blue Dog Coalition for focusing on what I believe to be one of the most critical problems confronting our country...
» Hoyer Responds to the Republicans Once Again Raising the Debt Limit, March 16, 2006
...today the Senate will vote on the $781 billion increase on the National Debt, the fourth increase in five years and the Republican Party continues to push tax policies that will drive us even deeper into debt....
» Whip Hoyer on Blocking the Takeover of Major American Seaports by a Dubai Company, March 08, 2006
...every Member of this House has the opportunity right now, today, to go on record as opposing the sale of American seaports to a company owned by a foreign company ...
» Whip Hoyer on Iran's Nuclear Ambitions, February 16, 2006
...we urge the members of the United Nations Security Council to take action in response to Iran's noncompliance with its international obligations. Let no one harbor any illusions, the government of Iran which is recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism...
» Whip Hoyer Welcomes the New Majority Leader in the Week's Colloquy, February 16, 2006
...the first thing i want to say is to my good friend, John Boehner, congratulations on his elections as Majority Leader. It is a great honor to be selected by your colleagues ...
» Whip Hoyer Responds to Bush's State of the Union, January 31, 2006
Whip Hoyer on FOX 5 NEWS responding to the president's lackluster State of the Union....
» Whip Joins House, Senate Leaders and Members to Decry Failed Republican Leadership in 2005, December 16, 2005
...the Republican Party in Washington has been mired by corruption charges for the entire year, and – as a result – they are failing the American people on key issues...
» Whip Hoyer on CNBC's "Squawk Box" on the Republican Budget Deficit, December 06, 2005
Hoyer debates the Republicans' lack of fiscal discipline and their failed plan for Social Security...
» Hoyer Speaks on Republican Politicization of Iraq, November 18, 2005
The most profound issue that this Congress must consider is whether or not to declare and prosecute war...
» Whip Hoyer on CBN News Discussing his National Security Vision for the Democrats, November 09, 2005
Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer’s “Democratic National Security Strategy for the 21st Century” on the Christian Broadcast Network...
» Hoyer Battles Kudlow on CNBC on the Dismal Deficit Situation, October 20, 2005
Hoyer is the special guest on Kudlow & Company on CNBC, where he debates Democratic vs. Republican budgetary policies...
» Hoyer, Senior Democrats Unveil National Security Vision, September 15, 2005
Hoyer and other senior Democrats unveiled a document entitled “Ensuring America’s Strength and Security: A Democratic National Security Strategy for the 21st Century.”
» Whip Hoyer Helps Hurricane Katrina Victims in the DC Area, September 09, 2005
On FOX 5 News, Rep. Hoyer helps Hurricane Katrina victims in the DC area get registered with FEMA and the Red Cross...
» Whip Hoyer Speaks on the Abuse of Power by the Republican Majority on the Patriot Act, July 21, 2005
...we must confront terrorists, but we must also ensure our constitutional values...
» Democratic Leaders Celebrate the Anniversary of ADA, July 13, 2005
Whip Hoyer, Leader Pelosi, and others speak of the importance of the Americans with Disabilities Act...
» Hoyer Statement on Karl Rove's Shameful Remarks, June 24, 2005
...his slash and burn track record speaks for itself...
» Hoyer: 'Exhibit A' In Republicans' Misguided Priorities, Fiscal Recklessness, June 23, 2005
...the political party that exploits every opportunity to talk about the ‘Culture of Life’ virtually ignores and dismisses what I call the ‘Culture of the Living’...
» Whip Hoyer on Stem Cell Research, May 24, 2005
...this is, I think, one of the most important bills that we will consider for the welfare of people not only in this country but throughout the world...
» Whip Hoyer on the House Republican Budget, April 28, 2005
I listen to the Republican comments about this budget and I cannot decide if it is George Orrwell or George Carol ...
» Whip Hoyer at Democratic Rally to Strengthen Social Security, April 26, 2005
the House and Sentate Democrats rally on the west-front lawn of the Capitol...
» Whip Hoyer on Congress Intervening in the Schiavo Case, March 20, 2005
we consider the life of one young woman, a young woman struck by tragedy. shared by her family and by her friends and by her country. one of the striking facts...
» Hoyer Discusses Strengthening Social Security on CNBC, March 09, 2005
Hoyer Discusses Strengthening Social Security on CNBC...
» NBC "Nightly News" on Hoyer's Social Security Town Hall Meeting, February 25, 2005
NBC covers Congressional Town Halls...
» Report on Fox News on Hoyer's Social Security Town Hall Meeting, February 23, 2005
» Hoyer's Opening Statement at a Social Security Town Hall Meeting, February 22, 2005
Hoyer hosts a town hall meeting with his constituents in La Plata, MD ...


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