

Summary of Amendments Made in Order Under the Rule to
H.R. 333 - The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2001

Sensenbrenner #17 Manager's Amendment. Makes technical and conforming changes. 10 Minutes (Revised)

Jackson-Lee #9 Adds a debtor's monthly public school expenses as an allowable expense under the means test and puts public school expenses on an equal footing with that of private school expenses which is already included in the bill. 20 Minutes (Revised)

Green (WI) #10 Removes the names of children from bankruptcy filings in order to protect their identity from those who prey on children. 20 Minutes

Oxley/LaFalce #11 Amends Title IX of the bill to reflect changes made by passage of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act and updates the definitions of certain financial terms to reflect current and developing market practices and makes other necessary technical corrections. 10 Minutes

Smith (MI) #14 Increases the Chapter 12 current aggregate debt limit from $1,500,000 to $2,225,000. 20 Minutes

Conyers/Nadler/Scott/Watt(NC)/Jackson-Lee/Waters/Baldwin/LaFalce/Tierney #20 Democratic Substitute. Makes a number of technical improvements to the bill and modifies some of the most onerous provisions on lower income debtors and struggling businesses. 60 Minutes







* Summaries derived from information submitted by the amendment sponsors.