NOAA Satellite and Information Service
National Oceanographic Data Center

Buoy Data - 41016

Historical buoy data is provided by NODC in the table below as compressed or uncompressed files. You will need to go to the National Data Buoy Center for the latest conditions. (you will be leaving the NODC site)

Z=compressed, U=uncompressed, nd=no data, Internet Explorer Users, See note below

Buoy Data - Location, year and month
Latitude | Longitude Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
24 38 12N | 076 31 18W1992 nd nd nd nd Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U
1993Z | UZ | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U
1994Z | UZ | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U
1995Z | UZ | U Z | U Z | U Z | U Z | U nd nd nd nd nd nd

Z=compressed, U=uncompressed, nd=no data

IE Users Note:If you get a "FTP Folder Error", it appears that you must turn off the "Enable Folder View for FTP Sites" option that is under Tools -> Internet Options... -> Advanced (under Browsing).

Format Description and General Information

All available buoy data from this station can be downloaded from the above table.
-if you right-click when the cursor is on the hyper-linked Z or U, this brings up a menu
-click on "Save Link As..." (this is like a Save File As, or Save Target As..)
-save the file in a directory on your hard drive, and remember to use the .Z extension to name the file if you downloaded the compressed version.
-if you left-click on the U (uncompressed version), some browsers may not uncompress the file "on-the-fly" and display it to your screen. In this case, download the file to your hard drive (as a .txt file) and use a text editor to view it.

Or these files can be downloaded by using ftp directly:
- just ftp to
- enter anonymous for the userid
- enter your e-mail address for the password
- cd to pub/f291
(there is a directory for each Year/Month that has data available - YYYYMM)
- cd to the desired Year/Month directory (e.g. 199507)
- get the file of your choice, or mget multiple files in the directory
- enter bye to log off.

If you do not have decompression software, gzip is free.
It is available from*.
It can uncompress .gz or .Z files and is available for most operating
systems (Microsoft, Mac, Unix, etc).

All Buoy data is available online, however to order Buoy (F291) Data on CD-ROM (through December 1997) use the NOAA National Data Centers' Online Store . Or, contact User Services to order recent data on CD-ROM or other media.

  Last modified:    Wed, 10-Sep-2008 12:38 UTC
Dept. of Commerce - NOAA - NESDIS - NODC
* External link: You will be leaving the Federal
   Government by following an external link. - The U.S. Government's Web Portal