Campus On The Mall Lecture Series


Scientists involved in an international effort called the Human Genome Project are rapidly mapping genes in an effort to compile the complete human genetic blueprint by the year 2005-or sooner.

Heralded as the most ambitious scientific undertaking of all time-including splitting the atom or landing a man on the moon-the result promises news scientific knowledge, medicine, and therapies.

Geared toward the lay person, this clear, dynamic, slide-illustrated course provides access to leading geneticists, who provide an insiders tour of the research and a glimpse into the genetic medicine of the future. They demystify the jargon of genetics; explain how scientists find and map genes; describe personality genes; and discuss the use of gene therapy in battling diseases such as AIDS, cancer, arthritis, and osteoporosis.

Schedule/Listen to Talks Suggested Reading Helpful Resources Smithsonian Institution