Prosopis pubescens   
  Screwbean mesquite   
Fabaceae Family     

Compiled by the Master Gardeners
of the University of Arizona Pima County Cooperative Extension.


curly seed pods
characteristic seed pods of
Prosopis pubescens
Form: single or multistemmed small tree or shrub; vase shaped, open and spreading
Seasonality: deciduous
Size: to 25-40ft with equal spread
Leaves: bipinnately compound, lacy
Flowers: 1-2in pendulous yellow spikes; bloom in May & June
Fruit: corkscrew-curled bean pods develop through the summer
Stems/Trunks: sharp spines; dark bark on trunk and older limbs, bark sheds in long stringy pieces
Range/Origin: riparian areas of the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts
Hardiness: thought to be to 10-15°F


Screwbean mesquite Screwbean mesquite flowers
Prosopis pubescens close-up of blooms


Research by Master Gardener Devona Painter


also known as "Tornillo"
Great choice as a natural trellis for climbing vines.
Also a good nurse tree for sun-sensitive small specimen cacti.

thorns on Screwbean mesquite tree
tree bark & branch
detail of peeling bark

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This page was first created March 27, 2004 and last modified February 10, 2006.

Web page design and photographs by Toni Moore, Master Gardener
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