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US Forest Service
Attention: Urban and Community Forestry
201 14th Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20250

(202) 205-1054

Questions or comments regarding our website: smockenhaupt@fs.fed.us

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Urban and Community Forestry
The National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council (NUCFAC)

NUCFAC is an appointed advisory council to the Secretary of Agriculture on urban forestry and related issues. The 1990 Farm Bill created NUCFAC to bring together the wide variety of voices raised about a common concern: the present health and future preservation of America's urban forests. NUCFAC was founded to synthesize the full spectrum of views into a consistent vision, as a foundation for practical policy on urban forestry.

NUCFAC has initiated a series of public forums designed to highlight important perspectives on urban forestry issues across the US. The first was held in June 2007 in Biloxi, Mississippi on the relationship between urban forests and catastrophic storms. The second, "A Comprehensive Look at Tropical Forestry", was held on June 18 in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.


For More information, visit the following links:

Challenge Cost-Share Grant Program

Each fall, the Forest Services distributes a request for pre-proposals nationwide. Brief proposals are then evaluated by the Council on the basis of meeting the specified criteria and demonstrating merit relative to the other proposals. Selected applicants are invited to submit full proposals for final judging. In all cases, project funding must be matched on at least a 50-50 basis from non-federal sources and the project must have national scope, application, and distribution of its findings. Projects that will only have a local impact do not qualify under this program.


The National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council (NUCFAC) announces a new approach and format for the US Forest Service’s National Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost Share Grant Program [NEW!!]

After more than a decade of successful grant-making, the National Urban and Community Advisory Council will overhaul their criteria for the U. S. Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry challenge cost share grant program for 2009.

“The world of urban and community forestry grows and changes everyday, and our grant program must adapt too,” said Joe Wilson, chair of NUCFAC.  “Over the past few years, we’ve witnessed a trend toward increasing cooperation and partnerships among our stakeholders.” 

The new Urban and Community Forestry challenge cost share grant program is designed to reflect this change, and implement new procedures that reduce the paperwork burden on potential grantees.  Grants for 2009 will be solicited in two categories:


Innovation Grants
NUCFAC anticipates recommending a small number of significant grants intended to address, on a national or regional level, the highest priority issues confronting the UC&F community.  NUCFAC will seek proposals from organizations and partnerships that demonstrate the reach, resources and expertise needed to deliver meaningful, replicable results.  As much as $500,000 would be available in 2009 for one or more Innovation Grants.

NUCFAC is in the process of identifying priority issues that might be addressed through Innovation Grants in 2009.  Please forward any suggestions to Nancy Stremple, nstremple@fs.fed.us  by Close of Business, (C.O.B.), October 30, 2008.


Best Practices Grants
Smaller grants up to $50,000 for organizations that can implement, demonstrate, and disseminate replicable approaches to:

  • Recruit advocates for urban forestry;
  • Make best practices/latest science in urban forestry accessible to practitioners;
  • Nurture networks of urban forestry practitioners within existing conservation; organizations, professional societies, social networks, and internet communities;
  • Address other challenges to the U&CF community.

The Process

As in the past, a 50 percent match is required from all successful applicants of nonfederal funds, in-kind services, and/or materials.


Innovation Grants

Pre-proposals will be required for Innovation Grants.  We anticipate that all finalists, as a group, will have an opportunity to discuss the grant process with NUCFAC members in a pre-award conference or conference call.  NUCFAC will empanel an expert committee to assist in reviewing pre-proposals.


Best Practices Grants

To relieve what has become a substantial paperwork burden, no pre-proposals will be required for these grants.  Instead, applicants will be invited to submit a single proposal.  Forest Services regional Urban and Community Forestry coordinators will each review all proposals, and submit comments and priority rankings to NUCFAC.  NUCFAC will select finalist grantees and recommend them for approval to the Forest Service.



The announcement of the 2009 Challenge Grant Program is planned for late November, 2008.  At that time, more details about application requirements, criteria for judging proposals, and priorities for Innovation Grants will be available at:


If interested applicants are not already registered in grants.gov, we encourage them to register now.  The process may take up to two weeks to collect the required information.

View the full pre-proposal announcement in PDF format.

View the 2008 full proposal abstracts recommended for funding.



US Forest Service
Last modified October 6, 2008

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.