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ATMOWeb provides a graphical browsing, subsetting and retrieval capability for selected ionospheric and atmospheric data. Data can be displayed as time series plots, filtering and scatter plot options are also included for a few spacecraft. ATMOWeb allows a user to list data by specifying a time interval and any combination of parameters and then to download (using the browser's capabilities) the data subset to the user's system.

The ASCII data files underlying ATMOWeb are ftp-accessible from

Select SPACECRAFT to download data from ANON/FTP site or/and DISPLAY option to Browse and Retrieve Data

Atmospheric Explorer C (AE-C) Time Series
Scatter Plot
neutral, ion, electron densities and more
Atmospheric Explorer D (AE-D) Time Series
Scatter Plot
neutral, ion, electron densities and more
Atmospheric Explorer E (AE-E) Time Series
Scatter Plot
neutral, ion, electron densities and more
Dynamic Explorer 2 (DE-2) Time Series
Scatter Plot
neutral, ion, electron densities and more
AEROS-A Time Series electron and ion densities and termperature
Alouette-2 Time Series electron density
Explorer 22 (BE-B) Time Series electron density and temperature
Explorer 31 (DME-A) Time Series electron density and temperature
Explorer 32(AE-B) Time Series ion densities
HINOTORI Time Series
Scatter Plot
electron density and temperature
ISIS 1 Time Series
Scatter Plot
electron density and temperature
ISIS 2 Time Series
Scatter Plot
electron density and temperature
OGO 6 Time Series
Scatter Plot
ion densities

Go to main FTPBrowser home page
Send questions about ATMOWeb data to Dr. Dr. Dieter Bilitza
Send questions about ATMOWeb system/interface to: Dr. Natalia Papitashvili
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