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The SPDF is a project of the Heliospheric Science Division (HSD) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. SPDF consists of web-based services for survey and high resolution data and trajectories. The Facility support data from most NASA Heliophysics missions to promote correlative and collaborative research across discipline and mission boundaries. Read More here.

News & Announcements
ALL SPDF services are available.
page icon  New Missions Supported in CDAWeb and SSCWeb

Data from all THEMIS instruments and the SWAVES experiments on STEREO A/B are now available via CDAWeb. THEMIS orbit data (including long range predicts) are now supported in SSCWeb, STEREO orbits are supported in both SSCWeb and HelioWeb.

page icon  Trapped Radiation Data from NOAA MEPED Now Available

Electron and proton measurements are now available on CDAWeb from the Medium Energy Proton and Electron Detectors (MEPEDs) on NOAA 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, and 14 at one minute resolution. Data include count rates, pitch angles, perpendicular-to-magnetic field fluxes, omnidirectional fluxes and drift shell parameters for four pre-selected magnetic field models.

page icon  Important Patches for IDL 6.1-6.4 users of CDF issued

Please see the CDF page for details and installation instructions

page icon  TIMED Data in CDAWeb

CDAWeb now supports GUVI Level-1C DISK (Airglow Fluxes) and EDP (Electron Density Profiles) data, SABER Level-1B (IR Radiances) and 2A (Mixing Ratios, Volume Emission Rates) data, TIDI Zonal and Meridional Wind Vectors and SEE Level-3A Solar Irradiances.

page icon  4D Orbit Viewer Upgrades

The viewer now supports views that can follow a given s/c (highly zoomed), highly useful in working with constellations of s/c such as THEMIS and Cluster. An ability to display traced geographic footpoints will be included in a new release of this s/w to occur shortly. .

  Email list for SPDF Announcements

Please sign up for an email list of announcements related to SPDF software and services (changes, upgrades, outages). Postings to will be very infrequent but are especially useful to regular users of our web services and Java clients (CDAWeb+, xSonify, TIPSOD). To subscribe, send an email to with the email body containing only "subscribe spdf_announcements".

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