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Whip Hoyer Remarks on the Ricin Found in Senate Office Building, Also Bush's Irresponsible Budget   Feb 03, 2004

» Addressing Plan to Stabilize Financial Markets on Power Lunch, September 19, 2008
We need to act and we need to act very, very soon and we need to act in a decisive way, and I think what they heard and I think when you played Hank Paulson's comments a little earlier was a response that there was an understanding in a bipartisan way that this matter was extraordinarily serious.
» On Bloomberg Discussing AIG Bailout and Future Regulation, September 18, 2008
The Fed in this instance acted under authority that had been granted in depression era days. We have not seen this situation in our economy since those days. The bush management of our economy has been a very poor one. A debt did not matter and that has led us to this past. Unfortunately, the taxpayers are being put at risk.
» On Fox with Neil Cavuto on AIG and More Stimulus, September 17, 2008
There are two sides the investment side is not in good shape obviously. We just saw Lehman Brothers go down $650, clearly the consequences of a failure would be substantial. Secretary paulson was reflecting the fact that going further and putting the taxpayer at continued risk on bailing out companies that frankly have taken risks that were unjustified, is not necessarily the policy of what we continue to pursue, particularly when the federal government itself is so deep in debt.
» On House Floor Commemorating the ADA Amendments Act, September 17, 2008
We ought to look at the ability people have, what they can do, not what they can't do. All of us can't do certain things. I urge people to look at what people can do. That's what this bill was about in 1990. That's what this bill is about today. I am very pleased to be here to speak on behalf of this bill. I think this bill may well pass unanimously...
» Republican Failures, September 15, 2008
"The dominant political fact of the last eight years has been Republican failure — serial governing malpractice...
» On Bloomberg Discussing Energy Bills, September 11, 2008
We believe that looking at all energy sources, particularly at renewables -- alternative energy resources which are important for our future, and utilizing the resources we have now in the short term, not only gas and oil products but also a natural gas and wind and solar.
» Remembering September 11, September 11, 2008
We know what words 9/11's victims left the world with. not words of vengeance or anger or even explanation, but invarleeable words of love -- invariablely words of love. we remember them today and we say in the words of the song of songs...
» Addressing Second Stimulus Package During Growing Economic Concerns, September 09, 2008
We believe that the second stimulus package is warranted and necessary, and we are considering the components of that, and certainly, we're worried about people running out of their unemployment insurance. We're worried about people who are going to be faced with heating bills that they can't afford.
» Hoyer Statement on Republican Failures, September 08, 2008
The dominant political fact of the last eight years has been Republican failure—serial governing malpractice. This month, we will be holding them to account...
» Discusses Oil & Gas Drilling on House Floor, August 07, 2008
This bill says, let's drill, let's get american product to american consumers and try to bring down prices...
» Discussing Energy Speculation Bill on House Floor, August 07, 2008
None of these bills alone is a panacea. We all recognize that and we all recognize that there will be no immediate solution, but all of them together constitute a vital step toward confronting our oil dependency and our energy independence...
» Discussing Oil Industry and Exploration on Bloomberg, August 07, 2008
While I am sympathetic to the oil companies wanting to drill where they have the most promise, they have taken these leases. They have reserved them. They are not pursuing them, and we believe, and experts believe, there are vast stores of oil in those areas...
» Floor Statement on Paycheck Fairness Act, July 31, 2008
Equal pay for equal work. When we put the principle as bluntly as that, i doubt that anyone in america would disagree. It's a basic ideal of fairness...
» Interview on ADA by NAM Radio Broadcast, July 23, 2008
Many businesses employ disabled people and manufacturers were key supporters of renewal of the Americans with Disabilities Act...
» Statement on Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act, July 23, 2008
The bill we debate today isn't simply about helping hundreds of thousands of americans keep their homes, as vital as that objective is, it's about stabilizing an entire economy. We've talked about a stimulus bill this is a very important component of the stimulus of our economy...
» Diane Rehm Radio Show, July 15, 2008
President Bush has lifted a 27 year executive order banning offshore drilling. The move puts new pressure on Congress to follow suit, but many believe expanded offshore drilling will have little impact on current record breaking oil prices...
» Discussing GSE Plan Concerning Housing Bill, July 15, 2008
I believe there's a great deal of focus on both sides of the aisle in a bipartisan way that action to respond to the challenges that are confronting the financial markets generally and fannie mae and freddie mac in particular...
» Statement on Medicare on House Floor, July 15, 2008
Preventing these medicare cuts isn't a republican issue or a democratic issue. It's an issue of protecting and preserving the health care that over 44 million seniors count on, depend on, and yes, deserve...
» Discussing Energy Industry and Energy Policy on House Floor, July 10, 2008
I see the distinguished minority leader rise. I see other members on that side of the aisle rise, beat their chest about drilling. My side of the aisle is for drilling. We just had a press conference on drilling, but as i sit there, i think to myself, you know, the american people gave the opportunity to the republican party...
» Discussing Energy Policy, June 26, 2008
This bill as well as the other two bills considered on this floor today on drilling and market speculation is a clear recognition by this house majority that america's energy policy cannot be one dimensional...
» Statement on Americans with Disabilities Act, June 25, 2008
With today's signing of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act, every man, woman and child with a disability can now pass through once closed doors into a bright new era of equality, independence and freedom...
» Discussing the FISA Compromise on Bloomberg, June 20, 2008
We think that this bill is a good compromise and I am hopeful that the Senate will pass it and send it to the President. If they send it as we pass it, then I think he will sign it...
» On on CNBC’s Squawk Box, June 12, 2008
discussing extending unemployment benefits and solutions to the energy crisis...
» Statement on the 2009 Budget, June 05, 2008
...19 years of Republican Presidents, $4.13 trillion of deficit spending. $1.68 trillion of that has been in the last six years. eight years under Bill Clinton. $62.9 billion surplus...
» Statement on American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act, May 08, 2008
this is trying to reach out to people who have been savaged in many ways by this economy and the policies that have led to an economy where average working incomes are down...


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