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» Whip Hoyer Fields Tough Questions from a Republican Constituent, February 22, 2005
at Hoyer's Social Security Town Hall Meeting in La Plata, MD ...
» Hoyer Responds to Bush's State of the Union, February 02, 2005
Hoyer discusses social security and other issues from the State of the Union...
» Hoyer on News Channel 8 on the Upcoming Iraqi Elections, January 27, 2005
Hoyer discusses the current state of Iraq and the upcoming Iraqi elections...
» Hoyer on WUSA on the Presedential Debate, October 14, 2004
Hoyer discusses the 3rd and final presedential debate, also Univ. of Maryland and NOAA fundings ...
» Hoyer on CNN's "Inside Politics" on the Republican Do-Nothing Congress, October 08, 2004
CNN covers the fact that the Republican led 108th Congress has gotten very little accomplished...
» Hoyer Discusses Delay's Ethics Rebuke on CNBC's "Capitol Report", October 07, 2004
Mr. DeLay’s defiant and deliberately misleading statements last night show nothing but contempt for the ethics process ...
» Hoyer is guest on CNN's "The Capitol Gang", September 05, 2004
Hoyer joins Mark Shields, Robert Novak, and company for a Sunday roundtable discussion...
» Hoyer comments on Corporate Tax Bill on CNBC, July 13, 2004
recently passed bill would give billions in tax cuts to major corporations, while sending more jobs overseas...
» Whip Hoyer Criticizes the House Republicans for Abandoning Pay-Go Rules, June 24, 2004
for the first time since 1974, it appears that Congress will not adopt a budget when the same political party controls the House, the Senate, and the White House...
» Report on S. Dakota Special Election, May 31, 2004
Hoyer comments on Stephanie Herseth's Congressional race on CNN's "Inside Politics"...
» Hoyer Speaks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), May 17, 2004
On CSPAN TV, Hoyer gives key speech at AIPAC's Annual Policy Conference...
» Hoyer Addresses the Abuses of Iraqi Prisoners and the Weeks Light Legislative Schedule, May 11, 2004
...I could not disagree with my friend, the Majority Leader, more when he says the idea of a Congressional investigation is like, and I quote, saying we need an investigation every time there is police brutality on the street...
» Hoyer: Floor Statement on Fiscally Responsible Alternative Minimum Tax, May 05, 2004
...this debate on the Alternative Minimum Tax epitomizes, unfortunately, precisely what is wrong in this House today...
» Hoyer to Congress - Accept the Senate's Bipartisan Pay-As-You-Go Budget Rule, March 29, 2004
Mr. Speaker, this week we are going to see just how committed our Republican friends are to the irresponsible budget that they passed four days ago...
» Hoyer on the Budget: Democratic and Republican Parties' Competing Visions of America, March 24, 2004
...the Republican Party tells all of America that it lacks the will and it lacks the courage to address the fiscal crisis...
» Hoyer: Is It Irresponsibility Week in the U.S. House, March 16, 2004
last week indeed was responsibility week, but the real responsibility was being exercised not here in this House but on the other side of Capitol Hill...
» Report on the South Capitol Gateway Project, February 19, 2004
WJLA ABC 7 News looks at the planned renovation of the South Capitol Street area...
» Hoyer: Bush Budget Lacks Credibility, February 03, 2004
It should now be clear to the American people that the originator of the term ‘fuzzy math’ – George W. Bush – has become its foremost practitioner...
» Whip Hoyer Remarks on the Ricin Found in Senate Office Building, Also Bush's Irresponsible Budget, February 03, 2004
On WUSA Channel 9 News, Hoyer speaks on the ricin found, and Bush's FY 2005 Budget...
» Hoyer Welcomes Troops Returning to Iraq, January 23, 2004
On CBS WUSA Channel 9, Congressman Steny Hoyer visited over 200 servicemen and women returning to Iraq at BWI today...
» Hoyer Addresses the President's SOTU, January 21, 2004
On WUSA Channel 9 News, Hoyer comments on the President's SOTU address...
» Hoyer Responds to Bush's SOTU, January 21, 2004
On News Channel 8, Hoyer faces off with Rep. Tom Davis
» Hoyer Responds to the President's SOTU, January 21, 2004
On WTTG Fox 5 News following the speech Tuesday night, debating with Rep. Tom Davis...
» House Whips Hoyer and Blunt Square Off, January 20, 2004
Hoyer and Blunt Debate the "State of the Union" in 2004 on the Fox News Channel...
» Hoyer Appears on CNN before the State of the Union, January 20, 2004
Hoyer appears on the CNN's "The Lou Dobbs Report" to forecast the Democratic reaction to the State of the Union.


Displaying Multimedia Clips 1 to 25 of 192
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