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NLS Reference Directories

Library Resources Directory 2006

A Directory with Budget, Staff, and Collections Information and FY 2005 Statistics on Readership and Circulation




The appendixes are not available on-line but are part of the printed directory. Use the online NLS Reference Publications Order Form to request a print copy of the directory.

I. Readership and Circulation, FY2005--NLS Network Libraries

II. Budget, Staff, Collections, FY2005--NLS Network Libraries

National Library Service

A free national library service providing recorded and braille materials to blind and physically handicapped persons is administered by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress (NLS). Under a special exemption of the U.S. copyright law and with the cooperation of authors and publishers who grant permission to use noncovered copyrighted works, NLS selects and produces full-length books and magazines in braille and in audio-recorded format. The reading materials produced are then distributed to a cooperating network of regional and subregional libraries that circulate them to eligible borrowers by postage-free mail. Network libraries also offer reference, readers’ advisory, and other services.

Established by an act of Congress in 1931 to serve blind adults, the program was expanded in 1952 to include children, and again in 1966 by Public Law 89-522 to include individuals with physical impairments that prevent the reading of standard print. Fifty-seven regional and seventy-four subregional libraries are currently part of the network, serving all parts of the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam.

Playback equipment is loaned free for use with books and magazines recorded on disc at 8 and 16 rpm and on cassette at 1-7/8 and 15/16 ips. Special accessories supplied on request include special amplifiers, remote control units, breath switches, extension levers, and pillow speakers. Libraries and other designated machine-lending agencies serve as distribution points for playback equipment and accessories.

Applications for library service from eligible persons or institutions such as hospitals and nursing homes are made directly to the network library or machine-lending agency serving a particular geographic area. Application forms, demonstration equipment, and sample reading materials are available in many local public libraries.

American citizens living abroad receive service directly from NLS and should apply to the Network Services Section. Direct service is not extended to individuals outside the United States and its territories and possessions unless they are American citizens; however, international interlibrary loans may be arranged with NLS.

Music services are provided by the NLS Music Section, which has an extensive collection of music scores, books, and instructional materials in braille, large print, and recorded media. Through its Reference Section, NLS serves as a national information resource on various aspects of disability. The National Library Service also functions as a bibliographic center on reading materials for people with disabilities and can make referrals to libraries and organizations that have materials in special media.

The second section of this directory includes the libraries that are part of the "Affiliated Library Consortium." These libraries offer books that are produced following or approximating current NLS standards, submit cooperative cataloging on the titles they are willing to lend for inclusion in the NLS union catalog, work with NLS and its network to provide service to blind and physically handicapped residents of the United States, produce books in audio and braille and/or other appropriate formats for use by eligible readers, and make materials available free of charge to eligible readers. Eligible readers are defined as those individuals eligible for library services coordinated by the NLS.

Section three includes a number of not-for-profit organizations and volunteer groups, not part of the NLS network, that also provide reading materials in special media to print-handicapped individuals. Criteria for inclusion of these organizations in this directory are these: services offered nationwide; a book collection sufficiently broad in subject matter to be of general interest; a minimum of two hundred titles available on loan; and circulation on the basis of free loan or for a minimal fee to cover basic costs. As additional organizations meeting these criteria become known, they will be included in future editions of the directory.

How to use the directory

NLS network libraries and machine-lending agencies are arranged alphabetically by state. Within each state, the regional library appears first, followed by subregional libraries (if any) listed alphabetically by city. In several states, two regional libraries have been established; in these instances, the specific service area of each library is shown. County service areas are also listed for subregional libraries, but for libraries that serve eighteen or more counties, the outlying or border counties are listed while those in the center of the service area are not. An asterisk (*) immediately following the name of a library indicates that a separate machine-lending agency is listed as the final entry in that state. Regional libraries designated as braille-lending libraries are identified by a number symbol (#). Braille is listed under the book collection heading for each of these libraries. For libraries not designated as braille-lending libraries, braille collections are listed under the special collections category. The information about NLS network libraries and machine-lending agencies contained in the body of the directory and in Appendix II was taken from updates in an online database provided by each network library and machine-lending agency. Readership and circulation statistics in Appendix I are for federal fiscal year (October–September) 2005. In the few cases where responses were not received or information was not available, data from the previous edition of the directory have been reprinted and footnoted. An effort was made to record changes in names, addresses, and telephone numbers up to June 30, 2006.

Other library resources at the national level are arranged alphabetically by the name of the organization. Each entry indicates eligibility requirements, special media available, subject coverage, and lending policies, all of which may vary from one organization to another. Requests for catalogs or further information about their services should be addressed to the appropriate organization and not to the NLS or its cooperating libraries.

This directory is available online through the NLS web site at, and free print copies of the directory are available to libraries and organizations by contacting the NLS Reference Section. Since mid-October 2001, security precautions have made mail delivery by the United States Postal Service to the address listed below sporadic. For faster service, please telephone your request to (202) 707-5100, fax it to (202) 707-0712, or e-mail it to

Reference Section
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20542









District Of Columbia






















New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota





Puerto Rico

Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota



US Citizens Abroad



Virgin Islands



West Virginia



U.S. Citizens Abroad


Affiliated library consortium



Regional Library

Alabama Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
6030 Monticello Drive
Montgomery, AL 36130-6000

Telephone: (334) 213-3906 and (334) 213-3921
Toll-free: 800-392-5671
Fax: (334) 213-3993
Web site:
Serves: Alabama (60 of 67 counties); braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Fara L. Zaleski
Machine agency contact: Fara L. Zaleski
Library code: AL1A
Hours: 7:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille
Special collections: Local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Subregional Libraries

Library for the Blind and Handicapped
Public Library of Anniston and Calhoun County
P.O. Box 308
Anniston, AL 36202-0308
Bulk mail: 108 East 10th Street
Anniston, AL 36201-5662

Telephone: (256) 237-8501
Fax: (256) 238-0474
Web site:
Serves: Calhoun County
Librarian: Deenie M. Culver
Library code: AL1B
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Print reference collection

Department for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Houston-Love Memorial Library
P.O. Box 1369
Dothan, AL 36302
Bulk mail: 212 West Burdeshaw Street
Dothan, AL 36302

Telephone: (334) 793-9767
TDD: (334) 793-9767
Fax: (334) 793-6645
Serves: Houston County
Librarian: Christi Armstrong
Library code: AL1D
Hours: 9:00–9:00, M, T, Th; 9:00–6:00 W, F; 9:00–5:00 Sat; 1:00–5:00 Sun
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed circuit TV, magnifier, scanner, speech input or output
Special services: Book discussion group, children’s story hour, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Huntsville Subregional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
P.O. Box 443
Huntsville, AL 35804
Bulk mail: 915 Monroe Street SW
Huntsville, AL 35801

Telephone: (256) 532-5980 and (256) 532-5981
Fax: (256) 532-5994
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Madison County
Librarian: Joyce Welch
Library code: AL1E
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Print-braille books, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), ergonomic keyboard, hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, page turner, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output (Dragon Naturally Speaking)
Special services: Dial-up news or book services, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Library and Resource Center for the Blind and Physically Handicapped #
Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind
705 South Street
P.O. Box 698
Talladega, AL 35161

Telephone: (256) 761-3237 and (256) 761-3288
Toll-free: 800-848-4722
Fax: (256) 761-3561
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Coosa, St. Clair, and Talladega counties
Librarian: Teresa Lacy
Library code: AL1I
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection, textbooks, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), braille translation software (Duxbury, Megadots), Franklin Language Masters, hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s story hour, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Tuscaloosa Subregional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Tuscaloosa Public Library
1801 Jack Warner Parkway
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

Telephone: (205) 345-3994
Fax: (205) 752-8300
Web site:
Serves: Tuscaloosa County
Librarian: Barbara B. Jordan
Library code: AL1H
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Print reference collection, tactile maps, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.)
Special services: Radio reading service, volunteer services


Regional Library

Alaska State Library
Talking Book Center
344 West Third Avenue, Suite 125
Anchorage, AK 99501

Telephone: (907) 269-6575
Toll-free: 800-776-6566
Fax: (907) 269-6580
Web site:
Serves: Alaska; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Patience Frederiksen
Machine agency contact: Patience Frederiksen
Library code: AK1A
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, disc, large print
Special collections: Print reference collection
Assistive devices: Hardware/software for hard-copy large print, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Publications: Patron newsletter


Regional Library

Arizona State Braille and Talking Book Library
1030 North 32nd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85008

Telephone: (602) 255-5578
Toll-free: 800-255-5578
Fax: (602) 255-4312
Web site:
Serves: Arizona; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Linda A. Montgomery
Machine agency contact: Michael Usrey
Library code: AZ1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, children’s books in braille, foreign-language books in Spanish, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, screen-enlarging software
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies


Regional Library

Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped #
One Capitol Mall
Little Rock, AR 72201-1085

Telephone: (501) 682-1155
Toll-free: 866-660-0885
TDD: (501) 682-1002
Fax: (501) 682-1529
Web site:
Serves: Arkansas
Librarian: John J. Hall
Machine agency contact: John J. Hall
Library code: AR1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc
Assistive devices: Screen-enlarging software
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services

Subregional Library

Library for the Blind and Handicapped, Southwest
Columbia County Library
220 East Main Street
P.O. Box 668
Magnolia, AR 71754

Telephone: (870) 234-0399
Toll-free: 866-234-8273
Fax: (870) 234-5077
Serves: Bradley, Calhoun, Cleveland, Columbia, Dallas, Hempstead, Howard, Lafayette, Little River, Miller, Nevada, Ouachita, Pike, Polk, Sevier, and Union counties
Librarian: Sandra Grissom
Library code: AR1E
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Publications: Patron newsletter

California—Southern California

Regional Library

Braille Institute #
Library Services
741 North Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90029-3594

Telephone: (323) 663-1111 and (323) 660-3880
Toll-free: 800-808-2555
TDD: (323) 660-3880
Fax: (323) 663-0867
Web site:
Serves: Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties
Librarian: Henry C. Chang
Machine agency contact: Kathryn Hayes
Library code: CA2A
Hours: 8:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, foreign-language books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, tactile maps, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, Optacon, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book club, book discussion group, braille on request, children’s story hour, children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

California—Northern California

Regional Library

Braille and Talking Book Library #
California State Library
P.O. Box 942837
Sacramento, CA 94237-0001
Bulk mail: 900 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Telephone: (916) 654-0640
Toll-free: 800-952-5666
Fax: (916) 654-1119
Web site:
Serves: Northern California
Librarian: Jon Torkelson
Machine agency contact: Marian Broom
Library code: CA1A
Hours: 9:30–4:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc
Special collections: Local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille translation software (Megadots), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, paperless braille display
Special services: Dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials materials

Subregional Libraries

Talking Book Library for the Blind
Fresno County Public Library
Ted Wills Community Center
770 North San Pablo Avenue
Fresno, CA 93728-3640

Telephone: (559) 488-3217
Toll-free: 800-742-1011
TDD: (559) 488-1642
Fax: (559) 488-1971
Web site:
Serves: Fresno, Kings, Madera, and Tulare counties
Librarian: Wendy Eisenberg
Library code: CA1B
Hours: 9:30–5:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Children’s books
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output installed on public access computer
Special services: Book discussion group,
volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Library for the Blind and Print Disabled
San Francisco Public Library
Civic Center
100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Telephone: (415) 557-4253
Fax: (415) 557-4375
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: San Francisco
Librarian: Martin Magid
Library code: CA1C
Hours: 1:00–6:00 M, Th; 10:00–6:00 T, W; 12:00–6:00 F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, foreign-language books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, tactile maps, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output, talking sign receivers
Special services: Braille on request, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter


Regional Library

Colorado Talking Book Library #
180 Sheridan Boulevard
Denver, CO 80226-8097

Telephone: (303) 727-9277
Toll-free: 800-685-2136
Fax: (303) 727-9281
Web site:
Serves: Colorado
Librarian: Debbi MacLeod
Machine agency contact: Alex Hernandez
Library code: CO1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter


Regional Library

Connecticut State Library #
Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
198 West Street
Rocky Hill, CT 06067

Telephone: (860) 721-2020
Toll-free: 800-842-4516
Fax: (860) 721-2056
Web site:
Serves: Connecticut
Librarian: Carol A. Taylor
Machine agency contact: Gordon Reddick
Library code: CT1A
Hours: 9:00–3:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc
Special collections: Local subjects and authors
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), optical character reader
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials


Regional Library

Delaware Division of Libraries
Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
43 South DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901

Telephone: (302) 739-4748
Toll-free: 800-282-8676
TDD: (302) 739-4748
Fax: (302) 739-6787
Web site:
Serves: Delaware; braille readers receive service from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Librarian: John Phillos
Machine agency contact: John Phillos
Library code: DE1A
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, disc
Special collections: Local subjects and authors
Special services: Braille on request, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

District of Columbia

Regional Library

Adaptive Services Division
DC Public Library
901 G Street NW
Room 215
Washington, DC 20001

Telephone: (202) 727-2142 and (202) 727-2270
TDD: (202) 727-2255
Fax: (202) 727-1129
Web site:
Serves: District of Columbia; braille readers receive service from Massachusetts.
Librarian: Venetia V. Demson
Machine agency contact: Ruth Alford
Library code: DC1A
Hours: 9:30–5:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, textbooks, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier, optical character reader (Kurzweil), speech input or output (Dectalk, JAWS)
Special services: Book club, dial-up news or book service, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter


Regional Library

Florida Bureau of Braille and Talking Book Library Services #
420 Platt Street
Daytona Beach, FL 32114-2804
Bulk mail: 420 Platt Street
Daytona Beach, FL 32198-0001

Telephone: (386) 239-6000
Toll-free: 800-226-6075
Fax: (386) 239-6069
Web site:
Serves: Florida
Librarian: Michael Gunde
Machine agency contact: Al McPherson
Library code: FL1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille
Special collections: Audio-descriptive DVD and videos, children’s books, foreign-language books in Spanish, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Subregional Libraries

Manatee Talking Book Library
Manatee County Public Library System
6081 26th Street West
Bradenton, FL 34207

Telephone: (941) 742-5914 and (941) 484-0308
Fax: (941) 751-7098
Serves: Manatee and Sarasota counties
Librarian: Patricia Schubert
Library code: FL1E
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, print reference collection
Assistive devices: Magnifier, optical character reader
Special services: Book discussion group, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Pinellas Talking Book Library
1330 Cleveland Street
Clearwater, FL 33755-5103

Telephone: (727) 441-9958
TDD: (727) 441-3168
Fax: (727) 441-9068
Web site:
Serves: Pinellas County
Librarian: Marilyn Stevenson
Library code: FL1M
Hours: 9:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, BiFolkal kits, braille, print reference collection, sports equipment and games, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Brevard County Libraries
Talking Books Library
308 Forrest Avenue
Cocoa, FL 32922-7781

Telephone: (321) 633-1810 and (321) 633-1811
TDD: (321) 633-1838
Fax: (321) 633-1838
Web site:
Serves: Brevard County
Librarian: Kay Briley
Library code: FL1K
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, foreign-language books (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish), print reference collection, tactile maps, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, page turner
Special services: Braille on request, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Subject bibliographies

Broward County Talking Book Library
100 South Andrews Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

Telephone: (954) 357-7555 and (954) 357-8686
TDD: (954) 357-7528
Fax: (954) 357-7420
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Broward County
Librarian: Wayne Draper
Library code: FL1H
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, print reference collection
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, speech input or output, radio for radio reading service
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Talking Book Library
Jacksonville Public Library
303 North Laura Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Telephone: (904) 630-1999 and (904) 630-0344
Fax: (904) 630-0604
Web site:
Serves: Duval County
Librarian: Jonathan A. Reynolds
Library code: FL1B
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive DVD and videos, BiFolkal kits, print reference collection
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader
Special services: Book club, braille on request, dial-up news or book services, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Talking Books
Palm Beach County Library Annex
Mil-Lake Plaza
4639 Lake Worth Road
Lake Worth, FL 33463

Telephone: (561) 649-5500
Toll-free: 888-780-5151
Fax: (561) 649-5402
Web site:
Serves: Palm Beach County
Librarian: Pat Mistretta
Library code: FL1G
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos

Talking Book Library of Dade and Monroe Counties
Miami-Dade Public Library System
2455 NW 183rd Street
Miami, FL 33056-3641

Telephone: (305) 751-8687
Toll-free: 800-451-9544
TDD: (305) 474-7258
Fax: (305) 757-8401
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Miami-Dade and Monroe counties
Librarian: Barbara L. Moyer
Library code: FL1C
Hours: 8:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Braille, print-braille books, print reference collection
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book discussion group, children’s summer reading program
Publications: Patron newsletter

Lee County Talking Books Library
13240 North Cleveland Avenue, #5-6
North Ft. Myers, FL 33903-4855

Telephone: (239) 995-2665
Toll-free: 800-854-8195
TDD: (239) 995-2665
Fax: (239) 995-1681
Web site:
Serves: Lee County
Librarian (acting): Karin McLeish-Delgado
Library code: FL1J
Hours: 8:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book discussion group, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Orange County Library System
Talking Book Section
101 East Central Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32801

Telephone: (407) 835-7464
TDD: (407) 835-7641
Fax: (407) 835-7642
Web site:
Serves: Orange County
Librarian: Lelia Higgins
Library code: FL1D
Hours: 9:00–9:00 M–Th; 9:00–6:00 F, Sat;
1:00–6:00 Sun
Book collection: Audiocassette
Assistive devices: Closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), screen-enlarging software, speech input or output

West Florida Public Library
Talking Book Library
200 West Gregory Street
Pensacola, FL 32502-4822

Telephone: (850) 436-5065 and (850) 436-5060
TDD: (850) 435-1763
Fax: (850) 595-0132
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Escambia County
Librarian: Helen C. Hudson
Library code: FL1L
Hours: 9:00–4:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special services: Volunteer services

Hillsborough County Talking Book Library
Jan Kaminis Platt Regional Library
3910 South Manhattan Avenue
Tampa, FL 33611-1214

Telephone: (813) 272-6024 and (813) 272-6070
TDD: (813) 272-6305
Fax: (813) 272-6072
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Hillsborough County
Librarian: Ann Bush
Library code: FL1F
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, Bi-Folkal kits, braille, local subjects and authors
Assistive devices: Closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Radio reading service
Publications: Patron newsletter, subject bibliographies


Regional Library

Georgia Library for Accessible Services (GLASS)
1150 Murphy Avenue SW
Atlanta, GA 30310

Telephone: (404) 756-4619 and (404) 756-4476
Toll-free: 800-248-6701
Fax: (404) 756-4618
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Georgia; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Stella Cone
Machine agency contact: Samuel Jones
Library code: GA1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, screen-enlarging software
Special services: Book discussion group, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services

Subregional Libraries

Albany Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Dougherty County Public Library
300 Pine Avenue
Albany, GA 31701

Telephone: (229) 420-3220
Toll-free: 800-337-6251
Fax: (229) 420-3240
Web site:
Serves: Calhoun, Clay, Crisp, Dooly, Dougherty, Lee, Randolph, Schley, Sumter, Terrell, and Webster counties
Librarian: Kathryn R. Sinquefield
Library code: GA1B
Hours: 9:30–6:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Special Needs Library of Northeast Georgia
Athens-Clarke County Regional Library
2025 Baxter Street
Athens, GA 30606-6331

Telephone: (706) 613-3655
Toll-free: 800-531-2063
TDD: (706) 613-3655
Fax: (706) 613-3660
Web site:
Serves: Banks, Barrow, Clarke, Elbert, Franklin, Greene, Gwinnett, Habersham, Hancock, Hart, Jackson, Jasper, Madison, Morgan, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Putnam, Rabun, Stephens, Walton, and White counties
Librarian: Claudia L. Markov and Pete Hayek
Library code: GA1C
Hours: 9:00–6:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, print-braille books, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Talking Book Center
Augusta Regional Library
425 James Brown Boulevard
Augusta, GA 30901

Telephone: (706) 821-2625
Fax: (706) 724-5403
Web site:
Serves: Burke, Columbia, Jefferson, Lincoln, McDuffie, Richmond, Taliaferro, Warren, and Wilkes counties
Librarian: Gary Swint
Library code: GA1D
Hours: 9:00–7:00 M–Th; 9:00–5:30 F, Sat
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Bainbridge Subregional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Southwest Georgia Regional Library
301 South Monroe Street
Bainbridge, GA 39819-4029

Telephone: (229) 248-2680
Toll-free: 800-795-2680
TDD: (229) 248-2665
Fax: (229) 248-2670
Web site:
Serves: Baker, Brooks, Colquitt, Decatur, Early, Grady, Miller, Mitchell, Seminole, Thomas, and Worth counties
Librarian: Susan S. Whittle
Library code: GA1E
Hours: 8:30–5:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier, speech input or output
Special services: Book discussion group, braille on request, children’s story hour, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Three Rivers Regional Library
Brunswick-Glynn County Regional Library
208 Gloucester Street
Brunswick, GA 31520-5324

Telephone: (912) 267-1212
Toll-free: 866-833-2878
Fax: (912) 267-9597
Serves: Appling, Bacon, Brantley, Camden, Charlton, Clinch, Glynn, Long, McIntosh, Pierce, Ware, and Wayne counties
Librarian: Betty D. Ransom
Library code: GA1N
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Assistive devices: Optical character reader (Arkenstone Open Book)
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Columbus Library for Accessible Services (CLASS)
The Columbus Public Library
3000 Macon Road
Columbus, GA 31906-2201

Telephone: (706) 243-2688 and (706) 243-2686
Toll-free: 800-652-0782
Fax: (706) 243-2710
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Chattahoochee, Coweta, Harris, Marion, Meriwether, Muscogee, Quitman, Stewart, Talbot, Taylor, Troup, and Upson counties
Librarian: Suzanne Barnes
Library code: GA1F
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier, page turner, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Oconee Regional Library
Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
801 Bellevue Avenue
P.O. Box 100
Dublin, GA 31040

Telephone: (478) 275-5382
Toll-free: 800-453-5541
TDD: (478) 275-3821
Fax: (478) 272-0524
Web site:
Serves: Bleckley, Dodge, Glascock, Johnson, Laurens, Montgomery, Pulaski, Tattnall, Telfair, Toombs, Treutlen, Washington, Wheeler, and Wilcox counties
Librarian: Wanda Daniel
Library code: GA1G
Hours: 8:30–5:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, electronic books, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Hall County Library System
Gainesville Subregional LBPH
East Hall Branch and Special Needs Library
2434 Old Cornelia Highway
Gainesville, GA 30507

Telephone: (770) 532-3311
TDD: (770) 531-2530
Fax: (770) 531-2502
Web site:
Serves: Hall County
Librarian: Adrian Mixson
Library code: GA1H
Hours: 10:00–7:00 M–Th; 10:00–5:00 F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos
Assistive devices: Magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

North Georgia Talking Book Center
305 South Duke Street
LaFayette, GA 30728

Telephone: (706) 638-1958
Toll-free: 888-506-0509
Fax: (706) 638-4913
Web site:
Serves: Catoosa, Chattooga, Dade, Fannin, Gordon, Murray, Towns, Union, Walker, and Whitfield counties
Librarian: Charles Stubblefield
Library code: GA1I
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, speech input or output, TDD
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Macon Subregional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Washington Memorial Library
1180 Washington Avenue
Macon, GA 31201-1790

Telephone: (478) 744-0877
Toll-free: 800-805-7613
TDD: (478) 744-0877
Fax: (478) 742-3161
Web site:
Serves: Baldwin, Bibb, Crawford, Houston, Jones, Macon, Peach, Twiggs, and Wilkinson counties
Librarian: Judy T. Harrington
Library code: GA1J
Hours: 9:00–5:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille children’s books, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Volunteer servicer

Rome Subregional Library for People
with Disabilities
Sara Hightower Regional Library
205 Riverside Parkway NE
Rome, GA 30161-2911

Telephone: (706) 236-4618 and (706) 236-4615
Toll-free: 888-263-0769
TDD: (706) 236-4618
Fax: (706) 236-4631
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Bartow, Carroll, Cherokee, Douglas, Floyd, Gilmer, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, Pickens, and Polk counties
Librarian: Delana Hickman
Library code: GA1K
Hours: 8:30–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, page turner, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Subregional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Live Oak Public Libraries
Thunderbolt Branch
2708 Mechanics Avenue
Savannah, GA 31404

Telephone: (912) 354-5864
Toll-free: 800-342-4455
TDD: (912) 354-5534
Fax: (912) 354-5534
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Bryan, Bulloch, Candler, Chatham, Effingham, Emanuel, Evans, Jenkins, Liberty, and Screven counties
Librarian: Linda Stokes
Library code: GA1L
Hours: 9:00–6:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, print reference collection
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Valdosta Talking Book Center
South Georgia Regional Library
300 Woodrow Wilson Drive
Valdosta, GA 31602-2592

Telephone: (229) 333-7658 and (229) 333-0086
Toll-free: 800-246-6515
Fax: (229) 333-0774
Serves: Atkinson, Ben Hill, Berrien, Coffee, Cook, Echols, Irwin, Jeff Davis, Lanier, Lowndes, Tift, and Turner counties
Librarian: Diane Jernigan
Library code: GA1M
Hours: 9:30–6:00 M–Th; 9:30–5:30 F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, print-braille books, print reference collection, tactile maps, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), magnifiers
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Guam; See Hawaii


Regional Library

Hawaii State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped #
402 Kapahulu Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96815

Telephone: (808) 733-8444
Toll-free: 800-559-4096
TDD: (808) 733-8444
Fax: (808) 733-8449
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Hawaii, Guam, and U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands
Librarian: Fusako Miyashiro
Machine agency contact: Fusako Miyashiro
Library code: HI1A
Hours: 8:30–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, foreign-language books, local subjects and authors, print-braille books, print reference collection, tactile maps, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, Optacon, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book discussion group, braille on request, children’s summer reading program, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bliographies

Subregional Library

Guam Public Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Nieves M. Flores Memorial Library
254 Martyr Street
Agana, GU 96910

Telephone: (671) 475-4753 and (671) 475-4754
Fax: (671) 477-9777
Serves: Guam
Librarian: vacant
Library code: HI1B
Hours: 9:30–6:00 M, W, F; 9:30–8:00 T, Th; 10:00–4:00 Sat; 12:00–4:00 Sun
Book collection: Audiocassette


Regional Library

Idaho Commission for Libraries
Talking Book Service
325 West State Street
Boise, ID 83702-6072

Telephone: (208) 334-2150
Toll-free: 800-458-3271
TDD: 800-377-1363
Fax: (208) 334-4016
Web site:
Serves: Idaho; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Sue Walker
Machine agency contact: Judy Mooney
Library code: ID1A
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.)
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter


Regional Library

Illinois State Library Talking Book and Braille Service #
401 East Washington
Springfield, IL 62701-1207

Telephone: (217) 782-9435
Toll-free: 800-665-5576
TDD: 888-261-7863
Fax: (217) 558-4723
Web site: who_we_are/talking_book_and_braille_service/home.html
Serves: Illinois; adult braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Sharon Ruda
Library code: IL1A
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, disc
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille collection for children only
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book club, book discussion group, children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Subject bibliographies

Subregional Libraries

Southern Illinois Talking Book Center
Shawnee Library System
607 South Greenbriar Road
Carterville, IL 62918-1600

Telephone: (618) 985-8375
Toll-free: 800-455-2665
TDD: (618) 985-8375
Fax: (618) 985-4211
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Alexander, Bond, Clay, Clinton, Crawford, Edward, Effingham, Fayette, Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Johnson, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Massac, Monroe, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Randolph, Richland, Saint Clair, Saline, Union, Wabash, Washington, Wayne, White, and Williamson counties
Librarian: Diana Brawley Sussman
Library code: IL1B
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s braille books, foreign-language books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), magnifier, computer screen magnifier
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services
Publications: Patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Chicago Public Library
Talking Book Center
400 South State Street
Fifth Floor North
Chicago, IL 60605-1203

Telephone: (312) 747-4001 and (312) 747-1616
Toll-free: 800-757-4654
Fax: (312) 747-1609
Web site:
Serves: Chicago
Librarian: Deborah Taylor
Library code: IL1R
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M, W, Sat; 11:00–7:00 T, Th
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book club, book discussion group, children’s and adult summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Mid-Illinois Talking Book Center
Alliance Library System
600 High Point Lane, Suite 2
East Peoria, IL 61611

Telephone: (309) 694-9200
Toll-free: 800-426-0709
Fax: (309) 694-9230
Web site:
Serves: Adams, Brown, Bureau, Calhoun, Carroll, Cass, Champaign, Christian, Clark, Coles, Cumberland, DeWitt, Douglas, Edgar, Ford, Fulton, Greene, Hancock, Henderson, Henry, Iroquois, Jersey, Jo Daviess, Knox, Lee, Livingston, Logan, Macon, Macoupin, Marshall, Mason, McDonough, McLean, Menard, Mercer, Montgomery, Morgan, Moultrie, Ogle, Peoria, Piatt, Pike, Putnam, Rock Island, Sangamon, Schuyler, Scott, Shelby, Stark, Stephenson, Tazewell, Vermillion, Warren, Whiteside, Winnebago, and Woodford counties
Librarian: Karen S. Bersche
Library code: IL1L
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Digital audio, old time radio
Assistive devices: Hardware/software for hard-copy large print
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Children’s newsletter, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Voices of Vision
Talking Book Center
DuPage Library System
127 South First Street
Geneva, IL 60134

Telephone: (630) 208-0398
Toll-free: 800-227-0625
Fax: (630) 208-0399
Web site:
Serves: Boone, DeKalb, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, LaSalle, McHenry, and Will counties and parts of Cook County
Librarian: Karen Odean
Library code: IL1I
Hours: 8:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Print reference collection
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), hardware/software for hard-copy large print
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter, subject bibliographies


Regional Library

Indiana State Library #
Indiana Talking Book & Braille Library
140 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Telephone: (317) 232-3684
Toll-free: 800-622-4970
TDD: (317) 232-7763
Fax: (317) 232-3728
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Indiana
Librarian: Lissa Shanahan
Machine agency contact: Ronald Rose
Library code: IN1A
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, large print
Special collections: Print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter

Subregional Libraries

Bartholomew County Public Library
536 Fifth Street
Columbus, IN 47201

Telephone: (812) 379-1277
Toll-free: 800-685-0524
Fax: (812) 379-1275
Web site:
Serves: Bartholomew, Clark, Crawford, Decatur, Floyd, Harrison, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, Scott, and Washington counties
Librarian: Sharon D. Thompson
Library code: IN1B
Hours: 8:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos
Assistive devices: Hardware/software for hard-copy large print, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Publications: Patron newsletter

Blind and Physically Handicapped Services
Elkhart Public Library
300 South Second
Elkhart, IN 46516-3184

Telephone: (574) 294-2619
Web site:
Serves: Elkhart, Kosciusko, LaGrange, Marshall,
St. Joseph, and Starke counties
Librarian: Patricia A. Ciancio
Library code: IN1C
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Foreign-language books
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program
Publications: Patron newsletter

Talking Books Service
Evansville-Vanderburgh Public Library
200 SE Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Evansville, IN 47713-1802

Telephone: (812) 428-8235
Toll-free: 866-645-2536
Fax: (812) 428-8215
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Daviess, Dubois, Gibson, Knox, Martin, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh, and Warrick counties
Librarian: Barbara Shanks
Library code: IN1H
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos
Assistive devices: Closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials

Northwest Indiana Subregional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Lake County Public Library
1919 West 81st Avenue
Merrillville, IN 46410-5382

Telephone: (219) 769-3541
TDD: (219) 769-3541
Fax: (219) 769-0690
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Newton, and Porter counties
Librarian: Renee Lewis
Library code: IN1E
Hours: 8:00–4:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos,
foreign-language books, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier, optical character reader, speech input or output
Special services: Dial-up news or book services, volunteer services


Regional Library

Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped #
Iowa Department for the Blind
524 Fourth Street
Des Moines, IA 50309-2364

Telephone: (515) 281-1333
Toll-free: 800-362-2587
TDD: (515) 281-1355
Fax: (515) 281-1378
Web site:
Serves: Iowa
Librarian: Karen A. Keninger
Machine agency contact: Niels C. Andersen
Library code: IA1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, electronic books, foreign-language books, local subjects and authors
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book club, braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter


Regional Library

Kansas State Library
Kansas Talking Books Library Services
ESU Memorial Union
1200 Commercial, Box 4055
Emporia, KS 66801-5087

Telephone: (620) 341-6280
Toll-free: 800-362-0699
Fax: (620) 341-6289
Web site:
Serves: All of Kansas, with full direct services to Barber, Butler, Cowley, Harper, Harvey, Kingman, Kiowa, McPherson, Pratt, Reno, Rice, Stafford, and Sumner counties; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Toni Harrell
Machine agency contact: Toni Harrell
Library code: KS1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, foreign-language books in Czech, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program
Publications: Patron newsletter

Subregional Libraries

Talking Book Service
CKLS Headquarters
1409 Williams
Great Bend, KS 67530

Telephone: (620) 792-2393
Toll-free: 800-362-2642
Fax: (620) 792-5495
Web site:
Serves: Barton, Cloud, Ellis, Ellsworth, Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne, Ottawa, Pawnee, Phillips, Republic, Rooks, Rush, Russell, Saline, and Smith counties
Librarian: Joanita Doll-Masden
Library code: KS1C
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services

Talking Books Service
Manhattan Public Library
North Central Kansas Libraries System
629 Poyntz Avenue
Manhattan, KS 66502-6086

Telephone: (785) 776-4741
Toll-free: 800-432-2796
Fax: (785) 776-1545
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Chase, Clay, Dickinson, Geary, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, Morris, Pottawatomie, Riley, Wabaunsee, and Washington counties
Librarian: Ann Pearce
Library code: KS1F
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection, print-braille books, tactile maps, textbooks, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Western Kansas Talking Books
Northwest Kansas Library System
2 Washington Square
P.O. Box 446
Norton, KS 67654-0446

Telephone: (785) 877-5148
Toll-free: 800-432-2858
TDD: (785) 877-5148
Fax: (785) 877-5697
Web site:
Serves: Cheyenne, Clark, Comanche, Decatur, Edwards, Finney, Ford, Gove, Graham, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Hamilton, Haskell, Hodgeman, Kearny, Lane, Logan, Meade, Morton, Ness, Norton, Rawlin, Scott, Seward, Sheridan, Sherman, Stanton, Stevens, Thomas, Trego, Wallace, and Wichita counties
Librarian: Clarice Howard
Library code: KS1B
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Talking Books
Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library
1515 Southwest 10th Avenue
Topeka, KS 66604-1374

Telephone: (785) 580-4530
Toll-free: 800-432-2925
TDD: (785) 580-4545
Fax: (785) 580-4430
Web site:
Serves: Atchinson, Brown, Doniphan, Douglas, Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Leavenworth, Miami, Nemaha, Osage, Shawnee, and Wyandotte counties
Librarian: Suzanne Bundy
Library code: KS1G
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Subject bibliographies

Wichita Public Library
Talking Books Section
223 South Main
Wichita, KS 67202

Telephone: (316) 261-8500 and (316) 261-8574
Toll-free: 800-362-2869
TDD: (316) 262-3972
Fax: (316) 262-4540
Serves: Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Coffey, Crawford, Elk, Greenwood, Labette, Linn, Montgomery, Neosho, Sedgwick, Wilson, and Woodson counties
Librarian: Brad Reha
Library code: KS1H
Hours: 10:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Assistive devices: Magnifiers (hand held), page turner
Special services: Book club, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services


Regional Library

Kentucky Talking Book Library #
300 Coffee Tree Road
P.O. Box 537
Frankfort, KY 40602-0537

Telephone: (502) 564-8300
Toll-free: 800-372-2968
Fax: (502) 564-5773
Web site:
Serves: Kentucky
Librarian: Barbara Penegor
Machine agency contact: Larry Estep
Library code: KY1A
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille
Special collections: Audio-descriptive DVD and videos, local subjects and authors
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual)
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter

Subregional Libraries

Northern Kentucky Talking Book Library
502 Scott Boulevard
Covington, KY 41011-1531

Telephone: (859) 962-4095
Toll-free: 866-491-7610
TDD: (859) 962-4060
Fax: (859) 962-4096
Web site:
Serves: Boone, Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Kenton, Owen, and Pendleton counties
Librarian: Clif Mayhugh
Library code: KY1C
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), magnifier, optical character reader, speech input or output
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newslettes

Louisville Talking Book Library
Louisville Free Public Library
301 West York Street
Louisville, KY 40203

Telephone: (502) 574-1770 and (502) 574-1625
TDD: (502) 574-1621
Fax: (502) 574-1657
Web site:
Serves: City of Louisville and Jefferson County
Librarian: Linda A. Atzinger
Library code: KY1B
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, local subjects and authors
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book discussion group, braille on request, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter


Regional Library

State Library of Louisiana
Services for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
701 North Fourth Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802-5232

Telephone: (225) 342-4944
Toll-free: 800-543-4702
Fax: (225) 342-6817
Web site:
Serves: Louisiana; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Margaret C. Harrison
Machine agency contact: Charles Richardson
Library code: LA1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual)
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies


Regional Library

Library Services for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Maine State Library
64 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0064

Telephone: (207) 287-5650
Toll-free: 800-762-7106
Fax: (207) 287-5654
Web site:
Serves: Maine; braille readers receive service from Massachusetts.
Librarian: Melora R. Norman
Machine agency contact: Melora R. Norman
Library code: ME1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive DVD and videos, children’s books, foreign-language books, local subjects and authors
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter


Regional Library

Maryland State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped #
415 Park Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21201-3603

Telephone: (410) 230-2424
Toll-free: 800-964-9209
TDD: (410) 333-8679
Fax: (410) 333-2095
Web site:
Serves: Maryland (except Montgomery County)
Librarian: Jill Lewis
Machine agency contact: Sheila Smith
Library code: MD1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F; 10:00–2:00 second Sat
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, print-braille books, tactile maps, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braille translation software, braillewriter (manual), hardware/software for
hard-copy large print, magnifier, Optacon, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book club, book discussion group, braille on request, children’s story hour, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials,
patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Subregional Library

Special Needs Library
Montgomery County Department of Libraries
21 Maryland Avenue, Suite 100
Rockville, MD 20850

Telephone: (240) 777-0960 and (240) 777-0959
TDD: (240) 777-0157
Web site:
Serves: Montgomery County
Librarian: Francie Gilman
Library code: MD1B
Hours: 9:30–8:30 M–Th; 10:00–5:00 F; 9:00–5:00 Sat; 1:00–5:00 Sun during the school year
Book collection: Audiocassette
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter, closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book discussion group, braille on request, children’s summer reading program


Regional Library

Braille and Talking Book Library #
Perkins School for the Blind
175 North Beacon Street
Watertown, MA 02472-2790

Telephone: (617) 972-7240
Toll-free: 800-852-3133
Fax: (617) 972-7363
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Massachusetts; braille readers in District of Columbia, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Librarian: Kim Charlson
Machine agency contact: Steve Magliozzi
Library code: MA1A
Hours: 8:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print-braille books
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book discussion group, braille on request, children’s story hour, children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Subregional Library

Talking Book Library
Worcester Public Library
3 Salem Square
Worcester, MA 01608-2074

Telephone: (508) 799-1730 and (508) 799-1645
Toll-free: 800-762-0085
TDD: (508) 799-1731
Fax: (508) 799-1676
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Hampden, Middlesex, and Worcester counties
Librarian: James Izatt
Library code: MA1B
Hours: 9:00–9:00 M–W; 9:00–5:30 Fri, Sat
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, print-braille books, print reference collection
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book discussion group, braille on request, children’s story hour, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter

Michigan, Except Wayne County

Regional Library

Library of Michigan #
Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
702 West Kalamazoo
Lansing, MI 48915-1609
Bulk mail: P.O. Box 30007
Lansing, MI 48909

Telephone: (517) 373-5614
Toll-free: 800-992-9012
TDD: (517) 373-1592
Fax: (517) 373-5865
Web site:
Serves: Michigan except Wayne County; braille readers in all of Michigan.
Librarian: Susan Chinault
Machine agency contact: Brent L. Duncan
Library code: MI1A
Hours: 9:00–5:00 T, W, F; 1:00–5:00 M, Th
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, volunteer-produced audiocassettes, volunteer- produced braille
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Subregional Libraries

Northland Library Cooperative
316 East Chisholm Street
Alpena, MI 49707

Telephone: (989) 356-1622
Toll-free: 800-446-1580
Fax: (989) 354-3939
Web site:
Serves: Alcona, Alpena, Arenac, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Emmet, Iosco, Montmorency, Ogemaw, Oscoda, Otsego, and Presque Isle counties
Librarian: Jennifer Dean
Library code: MI1J
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, large-print, loanable equipment
Assistive devices: Closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), large-print typewriter, optical character reader
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Washtenaw County Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled
P.O. Box 8645
Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645
Bulk mail: 4135 Washtenaw Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645

Telephone: (734) 973-4350
Toll-free: 888-460-0680
Fax: (734) 973-4963
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Jackson, Livingston, and Washtenaw counties
Librarian: Margaret Wolfe
Library code: MI1B
Hours: 8:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output (IBM Home Page Reader, pw-WebSpeak, JAWS)
Special services: Book club, book discussion group, braille on request
Publications: Patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Macomb Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
16480 Hall Road
Clinton Township, MI 48038-1132

Telephone: (586) 286-1580
Fax: (586) 286-0634
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Macomb County
Librarian: Beverlee C. Babcock
Library code: MI1M
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audiocassette and book combinations, audio-descriptive videos, Bi-Folkal kits, children’s books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), handheld hearing devices, hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter

Mideastern Michigan Talking Book Center
Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
G-4195 West Pasadena Avenue
Flint, MI 48504

Telephone: (810) 732-1120
Toll-free: 866-732-1120
Fax: (810) 732-1715
E-mail: dking@the or
Web site:
Serves: Genesee, Lapeer, and Shiawassee counties
Librarian: Deloris King
Library code: MI1F
Hours: 9:00–9:00 M–Th; 9:00–5:00 F, Sat
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print-braille books, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Upper Peninsula Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
1615 Presque Isle Avenue
Marquette, MI 49855

Telephone: (906) 228-7697
Toll-free: 800-562-8985
TDD: (906) 228-7697
Fax: (906) 228-5627
Web site:
Serves: Alger, Baraga, Chippewa, Delta, Dickerson, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Keweenaw, Luce, Mackinac, Marquette, Menominee, Ontonagon, and Schoolcraft counties
Librarian: Suzanne Dees
Library code: MI1D
Hours: 8:30–5:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos
Publications: Patron newsletter

Muskegon Area District Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
4845 Airline Road, Unit 5
Muskegon, MI 49444-4504

Telephone: (231) 737-6310 and (231) 737-6256
Toll-free: 877-569-4801
TDD: (231) 722-4103
Fax: (231) 737-6307
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Muskegon and Ottawa counties
Librarian: Sheila D. Miller
Library code: MI1K
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader
Publications: Patron newsletter

Oakland County Library for the Visually and Physically Impaired
1200 North Telegraph, Department 482
Pontiac, MI 48341-0482

Telephone: (248) 858-5050
Toll-free: 800-774-4542
TDD: (248) 452-2247
Fax: (248) 858-9313
Web site:
Serves: Oakland County
Librarian: David O. Conklin
Library code: MI1E
Hours: 8:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection, print-braille books
Assistive devices: Closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, speech input or output
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials

St. Clair County Library
Special Technologies Alternative Resource (STAR)
210 McMorran Boulevard
Port Huron, MI 48060

Telephone: (810) 982-3600
Toll-free: 800-272-8570
TDD: (810) 455-0200
Fax: (810) 987-7327
Web site:
Serves: Huron, Sanilac, St. Clair, and Tuscola counties
Librarian: Mary Jo Koch
Library code: MI1I
Hours: 9:00–5:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive DVDs and videos, children’s books, print-braille books, print reference collection
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output, TTY
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Grand Traverse Area Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
610 Woodmere Avenue
Traverse City, MI 49686-3397

Telephone: (231) 932-8558
Toll-free: 877-931-8558
TDD: (231) 932-8507
Fax: (231) 932-8578
Web site:
Serves: Antrim, Benzie, Crawford, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Lake, Leelanau, Manistee, Mason, Mecosta, Missaukee, Newaygo, Oceana, Osceola, Roscommon, and Wexford counties
Librarian: Kathy Kelto
Library code: MI1H
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Kent District Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Wyoming Branch Library
3350 Michael Avenue, Southwest
Wyoming, MI 49509

Telephone: (616) 647-3988 and (616) 647-3980
Fax: (616) 534-4822
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Ionia, Kent, and Montcalm counties
Librarian: Mary H. Hollinrake
Library code: MI1G
Hours: 9:30–8:00 M–Th; 9:30–5:00 F, Sat; 1:00–5:00 Sun (Labor Day–Memorial Day)
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, print-braille books
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille translation software (Duxbury), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Michigan—Wayne County Only

Regional Library

Wayne County Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
30555 Michigan Avenue
Westland, MI 48186-5310

Telephone: (734) 727-7300
Toll-free: 888-968-2737
TDD: (734) 727-7330
Fax: (734) 727-7333
Web site:
Serves: Wayne County except parts of Detroit and Highland Park; braille readers receive service from Lansing, Michigan.
Librarian: Maria McCarville
Machine agency contact: Maria McCarville
Library code: MI2A
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, foreign-language books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographier

Subregional Library

Detroit Subregional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Detroit Public Library
Frederick Douglass Branch for Specialized Services
3666 Grand River Avenue
Detroit, MI 48208

Telephone: (313) 833-5494 and (313) 833-5497
TDD: (313) 833-5492
Fax: (313) 832-5597
Web site:
Serves: Detroit and Highland Park (Wayne County)
Librarian: Dori Middleton
Library code: MI2B
Hours: 10:00–6:00 M, W, Sat; 12:00–8:00 T, Th
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, children’s books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, tactile maps, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: ASL dictionary, braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book club, book discussion group, braille on request, radio reading service
Publications: Patron newsletter


Machines from a separate agency

Regional Library

Minnesota Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped #*
388 SE 6th Avenue
Faribault, MN 55021-6340

Telephone: (507) 333-4828
Toll-free: 800-722-0550
Fax: (507) 333-4832
E-mail: or
Web site: Learning_Support/MN_Library_ft_Blind_Physically_Handicapped/index.html
Serves: Minnesota
Librarian: Catherine A. Durivage
Library code: MN1A
Hours: 7:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, foreign-language books (Cambodian, French, German, Italian, Laotian, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, and Vietnamese), local subjects and authors, print-braille books, volunteer-produced audiocassettes and braille
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Children’s story hour, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter

Machine-Lending Agency

State Services for the Blind
Communication Center
2200 University Avenue, West
Suite 240
St. Paul, MN 55114-1840

Telephone: (651) 642-0849
Toll-free: 800-652-9000
Fax: (651) 642-0473
Machine agency contact: Ellie Sevdy
Library code: MN9A


Regional Library

Blind and Physically Handicapped Library Services
Mississippi Library Commission
3881 Eastwood Drive
Jackson, MS 39211-6473
Bulk mail: Mississippi Library Commission
1221 Ellis Avenue
Jackson, MS 39203

Telephone: (601) 432-4116
Toll-free: 800-446-0892
Fax: (601) 432-4476
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Mississippi; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Rahye Puckett
Machine agency contact: Rahye Puckett
Library code: MS1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies


Regional Library

Wolfner Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped #
P.O. Box 387
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0387
Bulk mail: 600 West Main
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Telephone: (573) 751-8720
Toll-free: 800-392-2614
TDD: 800-347-1379
Fax: (573) 526-2985
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Missouri
Librarian: Richard J. Smith
Machine agency contact: Archie Andrews
Library code: MO1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille program packs, children’s books, print reference collection, print-braille books, videotapes on disabilities, volunteer-produced audiocassettes, Wolfner-produced digital recordings
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille label maker, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies


Regional Library

Montana Talking Book Library
1515 East Sixth Avenue
P.O. Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800

Telephone: (406) 444-2064 and (406) 444-5399
Toll-free: 800-332-3400
Fax: (406) 444-0266
Web site:
Serves: Montana; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Christie O. Briggs
Machine agency contact: Lee Madison
Library code: MT1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, foreign-language books (Finnish), videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies


Regional Library

Nebraska Library Commission
Talking Book and Braille Service
The Atrium
1200 N Street, Suite 120
Lincoln, NE 68508-2023

Telephone: (402) 471-4038 and 800-742-7691
Toll-free: 800-742-7691
TDD: (402) 471-4038
Fax: (402) 471-6244
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Nebraska; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: David Oertli
Machine agency contact: Paul Jacobsen
Library code: NE1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, volunteer-produced audiocassettes and braille
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter


Regional Library

Nevada Talking Book Services
Nevada State Library and Archives
100 North Stewart Street
Carson City, NV 89701-4285

Telephone: (775) 684-3354
Toll-free: 800-922-9334
TDD: (775) 687-8338
Fax: (775) 684-3355
Web site:
Serves: Nevada; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Keri E. Putnam
Machine agency contact: Keri E. Putnam
Library code: NV1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), optical character reader, screen-enlarging software
Special services: Braille on request, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

New Hampshire

Regional Library

New Hampshire State Library
Talking Book Services
117 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301-3852

Telephone: (603) 271-3429
Toll-free: 800-491-4200
Fax: (603) 271-8370
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: New Hampshire; braille readers receive service from Massachusetts.
Librarian: John Barrett
Machine agency contact: Pamela Ober
Library code: NH1A
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print-braille books
Special services: Braille on request, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

New Jersey

Regional Library

New Jersey Library for the Blind and Handicapped #
P.O. Box 501
Trenton, NJ 08625-0501
Bulk mail: 2300 Stuyvesant Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08618

Telephone: (609) 530-4000
Toll-free: 800-792-8322
TDD: 800-882-5593
Fax: (609) 530-6384
Web site:
Serves: New Jersey
Librarian: Faith Lundgren
Machine agency contact: Karen Zucker
Library code: NJ1A
Hours: 9:00–4:30 M–F; 9:00–3:00 Sat
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos for adults and children, children’s books, foreign-language books (Greek, Hebrew, Polish, and Yiddish), local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), screen-enlarging software, speech input or output (JAWS)
Special services: Children’s story hour, children’s summer reading program, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

New Mexico

Regional Library

New Mexico Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
1209 Camino Carlos Rey
Santa Fe, NM 87507-5166

Telephone: (505) 476-9770 and (505) 476-9772
Toll-free: 800-456-5515
Fax: (505) 476-9776
Web site:
Serves: New Mexico; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: John Mugford
Machine agency contact: Steven Barnett
Library code: NM1A
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter

New York—Except New York City and Long Island

Regional Library

New York State Talking Book and Braille Library #
Cultural Education Center
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12230

Telephone: (518) 474-5935
Toll-free: 800-342-3688
Fax: (518) 486-1957
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: New York State except New York City and Long Island
Librarian: Jane Somers
Machine agency contact: Jane Somers
Library code: NY2A
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, paperless braille display, speech input or output
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

New York—New York City and Long Island

Regional Library

The New York Public Library #
Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library
40 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011-4211

Telephone: (212) 206-5400 and (212) 206-5425
TDD: (212) 206-5458
Fax: (212) 206-5418
Web site:
Serves: New York City and Long Island
Librarian: Mark McCluski
Machine agency contact: Mark McCluski
Library code: NY1A
Hours: Onsite: 12:00–5:00 M, T, F; 12:00–7:00 Th; 1:00–5:00 Sat; telephone: 10:00–5:00 M, T, F, Sat; 10:00–7:00 Th
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Children’s story hour, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Subregional Library

Long Island Talking Book Library (LITBL)
Outreach Services
Suffolk Cooperative Library System
627 North Sunrise Service Road, P.O. Box 9000
Bellport, NY 11713-9000

Telephone: (631) 286-1600
Toll-free: 866-833-1122
TDD: (631) 286-4546
Fax: (631) 286-1647
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Nassau and Suffolk counties
Librarian: Valerie Lewis
Library code: NY1B
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, disc
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, screen-enlarging software
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

North Carolina

Regional Library [including braille lending services]

North Carolina Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped #
State Library of North Carolina
Department of Cultural Resources
1811 Capital Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27604-2188
Bulk mail: 1811 Capital Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27635

Telephone: (919) 733-4376
Toll-free: 888-388-2460
TDD: (919) 733-1462
Fax: (919) 733-6910
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: North Carolina
Librarian: Francine I. Martin
Machine agency contact: Francine I. Martin
Library code: NC1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection
Assistive devices: Closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

North Dakota

[machines from another agency]

Regional Library

North Dakota State Library*
Talking Book Services
604 East Boulevard Avenue
Department 250
Bismarck, ND 58505-0800

Telephone: (701) 328-2185 and (701) 328-1408
Toll-free: 800-843-9948
TDD: 800-892-8622
Fax: (701) 328-2040
Web site:
Serves: North Dakota; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Susan B. Hammer-Schneider
Library code: ND1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, local subjects and authors, print-braille books, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Machine-Lending Agency

North Dakota Vision Services
School for the Blind
500 Stanford Road
Grand Forks, ND 58203

Telephone: (701) 795-2700
Toll-free: 800-421-1181
Fax: (701) 795-2727
E-mail: or
Web site:
Machine agency contact: Faye Lehn
Library code: ND9A
Hours: 8:00–5:00, M–F

Ohio—Southern Ohio

[machines from a separate agency]

Regional Library

The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County #*
Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
800 Vine Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202-2071

Telephone: (513) 369-6999
Toll-free: 800-582-0335
TDD: (513) 369-3372
Fax: (513) 369-3111
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Adams, Athens, Brown, Butler, Clark, Clermont, Clinton, Fairfield, Fayette, Gallia, Greene, Hamilton, Highland, Hocking, Jackson, Lawrence, Madison, Meigs, Miami, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble, Perry, Pickaway, Pike, Preble, Ross, Scioto, Vinton, Warren, and Washington counties
Librarian: Donna Foust
Library code: OH2A
Hours: 8:00–9:00 M–W; 9:00–6:00 Th–Sat; 1:00–5:00 Sun
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc
Special collections: Local subjects and authors, print reference collection
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), magnifier, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software
Special services: Book club, book discussion group, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Ohio—Northern Ohio

Regional Library

Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped #*
Cleveland Public Library
17121 Lake Shore Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44110-4006

TTelephone: (216) 623-2911
Toll-free: 800-362-1262
Fax: (216) 623-7036
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Allen, Ashland, Ashtabula, Auglaize, Belmont, Carroll, Champaign, Columbiana, Coshocton, Crawford, Cuyahoga, Darke, Defiance, Delaware, Erie, Franklin, Fulton, Geauga, Guernsey, Hancock, Hardin, Harrison, Henry, Holmes, Huron, Jefferson, Knox, Lake, Licking, Logan, Lorain, Lucas, Mahoning, Marion, Medina, Mercer, Morrow, Ottawa, Paulding, Portage, Putman, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, Shelby, Stark, Summit, Trumbull, Tuscarawas, Union, Van Wert, Wayne, Williams, Wood, and Wyandot counties
Librarian: Barbara T. Mates
Library code: OH1A
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, electronic database of parent agency, local subjects and authors, pre-loaded digital books and audio books, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book discussion group, braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Machine-Lending Agency

The State Library of Ohio
Talking Book Program
274 East First Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201-3673

Telephone: (614) 644-6895
Toll-free: 800-686-1531
Fax: (614) 995-2186
Web site:
Machine agency contact: James H. Buchman
Library code: OH9A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F


Regional Library

Oklahoma Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
300 Northeast 18th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Telephone: (405) 521-3514 and (405) 522-0516
Toll-free: 800-523-0288
TDD: (405) 521-4672
Fax: (405) 521-4582
Web site:
Serves: Oklahoma; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: (acting) Julie Alderson
Machine agency contact: Paul Adams
Library code: OK1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, textbooks
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, paperless braille display, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter


Regional Library

Talking Book and Braille Services
Oregon State Library
250 Winter Street Northeast
Salem, OR 97301-3950

Telephone: (503) 378-3849 and (503) 378-5435
Toll-free: 800-452-0292
TDD: 800-735-2900
Fax: (503) 588-7119
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Oregon; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Susan B. Westin
Machine agency contact: Eugene Newbill
Library code: OR1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, foreign-language books, local subjects and authors, volunteer-produced audiocassettes
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), optical character reader, speech input or output
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Pennsylvania—Eastern Pennsylvania

Regional Library

Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped #
Free Library of Philadelphia
P.O. Box 1194
Philadelphia, PA 19105
Bulk mail: 919 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Telephone: (215) 683-3213
Toll-free: 800-222-1754
Fax: (215) 683-3211
Web site:
Serves: Bradford, Cumberland, Lycoming, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, Sullivan, York, and all other counties in eastern Pennsylvania; braille readers in Delaware, all of Pennsylvania, and West Virginia
Librarian: Vickie L. Collins
Machine agency contact: Patricia W. Shotzbarger
Library code: PA1A
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book discussion group, braille on request, children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter

Pennsylvania—Western Pennsylvania

Regional Library

Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Leonard C. Staisey Building
4724 Baum Boulevard
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-1389

Telephone: (412) 687-2440
Toll-free: 800-242-0586
Fax: (412) 687-2442
Web site:
Serves: Adams, Centre, Clinton, Franklin, Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, Tioga, Warren, and all other counties in western Pennsylvania; braille readers receive service from Philadelphia
Librarian: Kathleen Kappel
Machine agency contact: Henry Picciafoco
Library code: PA2A
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies

Puerto Rico

Regional Library

Puerto Rico Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped #
520 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Suite 2
San Juan, PR 00901

Telephone: (787) 723-2519
Toll-free: 800-981-8008
Fax: (787) 721-8177
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Puerto Rico
Librarian: Igri Enriquez
Machine agency contact: Igri Enriquez
Library code: PR1A
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, large print
Special collections: Children’s books, foreign-language books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille translation software for English and Spanish (Duxbury), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, optical character reader, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials

Rhode Island

Regional Library

Talking Books Plus
Office of Library and Information Services
One Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02908

Telephone: (401) 222-5800
TDD: 800-745-5555
Fax: (401) 222-4195
Web site:
Serves: Rhode Island; braille readers receive service from Massachusetts
Librarian: Andrew Egan
Machine agency contact: Kenneth Marold
Library code: RI1A
Hours: 8:00–4:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Assistive devices: Hardware/software for hard-copy large print, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book discussion group, children’s summer reading program
Publications: Patron newsletter

South Carolina

Regional Library

South Carolina State Library
Talking Book Services
P.O. Box 821
Columbia, SC 29202-0821
Bulk mail: 1430 Senate Street
Columbia, SC 29202-0821

Telephone: (803) 734-4611
Toll-free: 800-922-7818
TDD: (803) 734-7298
Fax: (803) 734-4610
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: South Carolina; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Pamela N. Davenport
Machine agency contact: Pamela N. Davenport
Library code: SC1A
Hours: 8:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, disc, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, local subjects and authors
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

South Dakota

Regional Library

South Dakota Braille and Talking Book Library
State Library Building
800 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501-2294

Telephone: (605) 773-3131
Toll-free: 800-423-6665
Fax: (605) 773-6962
Web site:
Serves: South Dakota; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Daniel W. Boyd
Machine agency contact: Brian Pendergast
Library code: SD1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, children’s books, foreign-language books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, textbooks, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braille translation software, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter


Regional Library

Tennessee Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped #
Tennessee State Library and Archives
403 Seventh Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37243-0313

Telephone: (615) 741-3915
Toll-free: 800-342-3308
Fax: (615) 532-8856
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Tennessee
Librarian: Ruth Hemphill
Machine agency contact: Donna Cirenza
Library code: TN1A
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, volunteer-produced audiocassettes
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), hardware/software for hard-copy large print
Special services: Dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographie


Regional Library

Texas State Library and Archives Commission #
P.O. Box 12927
Austin, TX 78711-2927
Bulk mail: Talking Book Program
4400B Shoal Creek Boulevard
Austin, TX 78756-3213

Telephone: (512) 463-5458 and (512) 452-7306
Toll-free: 800-252-9605
Fax: (512) 936-0685
Web site:
Serves: Texas
Librarian: Ava M. Smith
Machine agency contact: Edward Earle
Library code: TX1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, electronic books, foreign-language books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, speech input or output
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter


Regional Library

Utah State Library Division #
Program for the Blind and Disabled
250 North 1950 West, Suite A
Salt Lake City, UT 84116-7901

Telephone: (801) 715-6789
Toll-free: 800-662-5540; 800-453-4293 (outside Utah)
TDD: (801) 715-6721
Fax: (801) 715-6767
Web site:
Serves: Utah and Wyoming; braille readers in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Wisconsin
Librarian: Bessie Y. Oakes
Machine agency contact: Bessie Y. Oakes
Library code: UT1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies


Regional Library

Vermont Department of Libraries
Special Services Unit
578 Paine Turnpike North
Berlin, VT 05602

Telephone: (802) 828-3273
Toll-free: 800-479-1711
Fax: (802) 828-2199
Serves: Vermont; braille readers receive service from Massachusetts.
Librarian: Teresa Faust
Machine agency contact: Jennifer Hart
Library code: VT1A
Hours: 7:45–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, disc, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print-braille books
Assistive devices: CD player
Special services: Volunteer services

Virgin Islands

Regional Library

Virgin Islands Library for the Visually and Physically Handicapped
3012 Golden Rock
Christiansted, VI 00820

Telephone: (340) 772-2250
Fax: (340) 772-3545
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Virgin Islands
Librarian: Letitia Gittens
Library code: VI1A
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille


Regional Library

Virginia Library and Resource Center #
Virginia Department for the Blind and
Vision Impaired
395 Azalea Avenue
Richmond, VA 23227-3633

Telephone: (804) 371-3661
Toll-free: 800-552-7015
TDD: (804) 371-3661
Fax: (804) 371-3328
Web site:
Serves: Virginia
Librarian: Barbara N. McCarthy
Machine agency contact: James L. Norman, Jr.
Library code: VA1A
Hours: 8:15–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection, textbooks, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braille translation software (Duxbury, Edit-it Microbraille, and Megadots), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Subregional Libraries

Alexandria Library-Beatley Central
Talking Book Service
5005 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22304-2903

Telephone: (703) 519-5911
TDD: (703) 519-5918
Fax: (703) 519-5916
Web site:
Serves: City of Alexandria
Librarian: Loni McCaffrey
Library code: VA1B
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection, tactile maps, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), optical character reader (OptiVoice), speech input or output (Window-Eyes)
Special services: Braille on request, dial-up news or book services, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Talking Book Service
Arlington County Sub-Regional Library
1015 North Quincy Street
Arlington, VA 22201

Telephone: (703) 228-6333
TDD: (703) 228-6320
Fax: (703) 228-7720
Web site: SpecialNeeds.aspx
Serves: Arlington County
Librarian: Lisbeth S. Goldberg
Library code: VA1C
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection, tactile maps, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifiers, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services

Access Services
Fairfax County Public Library
12000 Government Center Parkway
Suite 123
Fairfax, VA 22035-0012

Telephone: (703) 324-8380
TDD: (703) 324-8365
Fax: (703) 324-8386
Web site:
Serves: Fairfax County; cities of Fairfax and Falls Church
Librarian: Starr E. Smith
Library code: VA1E
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print-braille books, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Book club, book discussion group, braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Fredericksburg Area Subregional Library
Central Rappahannock Regional Library
1201 Caroline Street
Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Telephone: (540) 372-1144
Toll-free: 800-628-4807
TDD: (540) 371-9165
Fax: (540) 373-9411
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Fredericksburg, Prince William, Spotsylvania, Stafford, and Westmoreland counties
Librarian: Nancy Buck
Library code: VA1L
Hours: 9:00–5:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille translation software, closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print
Special services: Braille on request, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Newport News Subregional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Newport News Public Library System
110 Main Street
Newport News, VA 23601

Telephone: (757) 591-4858
TDD: (757) 591-4858
Fax: (757) 591-7425
Web site:
Serves: James City and York counties; cities of Newport News and Williamsburg
Librarian: Sherin Henderson
Library code: VA1G
Hours: 9:00–9:00 M–Th; 9:00–6:00 F, Sat; 1:00–5:00 Sun
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille translation software (Duxbury), closed caption decoder, closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output, TDD
Special services: Braille on request
Publications: Patron newsletter

Roanoke Public Library
Talking Book Services
2607 Salem Turnpike NW
Roanoke, VA 24017-5397

Telephone: (540) 853-2648
Toll-free: 800-528-2342
Fax: (540) 853-1030
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig, and Roanoke counties; cities of Clifton Forge, Covington, Roanoke, and Salem
Librarian: Wendy Allen
Library code: VA1H
Hours: 9:00–6:00 M, W, F; 12:00–9:00 Th; 9:00–5:00 Sat
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), magnifier
Special services: Volunteer services

Talking Book Center
Staunton Public Library
1 Churchville Avenue
Staunton, VA 24401

Telephone: (540) 885-6215
Toll-free: 800-995-6215
Fax: (540) 332-3906
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Augusta, Bath, Highland, Rockbridge, and Rockingham counties; cities of Buena Vista, Harrisonburg, Lexington, Staunton, and Waynesboro
Librarian: Oakley Pearson
Library code: VA1J
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Bayside and Special Services Library
Department of Public Libraries
936 Independence Boulevard
Virginia Beach, VA 2345

Telephone: (757) 385-2684 and (757) 385-2685
TDD: (757) 464-9175
Fax: (757) 464-6741
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Isle of Wright, Northampton, and Southampton counties; cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach
Librarian: Carolyn Caywood
Library code: VA1I
Hours: 10:00–9:00 M–Th; 10:00–5:00 F, Sat
Book collection: Audiocassette, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, braille, children’s books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braille notetaker, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, Optacon, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s story hour, volunteer services


Regional Library

Washington Talking Book & Braille Library #
2021 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98121-2783
Bulk mail: 2021 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98129

Telephone: (206) 615-0400
Toll-free: 800-542-0866
TDD: (206) 615-0418
Fax: (206) 615-0437
Web site:
Serves: Washington
Librarian: Gloria Leonard
Machine agency contact: Rosemary Adamski
Library code: WA1A
Hours: 8:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc, large print
Special collections: Children’s books, foreign-language books, local subjects and authors, preloaded digital books, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), hardware/software for hard-copy large print, magnifier, optical character reader, paperless braille display, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s story hour, children’s summer reading program, radio reading service, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter

West Virginia

Regional Library

West Virginia Library Commission—Special Libraries
Blind and Physically Handicapped Services
Cultural Center
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
Charleston, WV 25305-0620

Telephone: (304) 558-4061
Toll-free: 800-642-8674
Fax: (304) 558-6016
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: West Virginia; braille readers receive service from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Librarian: Donna B. Calvert
Machine agency contact: Linda Moles
Library code: WV1A
Hours: 8:30–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, disc, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, print reference collection
Special services: Dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

Subregional Libraries

Services for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Cabell County Public Library
455 Ninth Street Plaza
Huntington, WV 25701

Telephone: (304) 528-5700
TDD: (304) 528-5694
Fax: (304) 528-5866
Web site:
Serves: Cabell, Mason, Mingo, Putnam, and Wayne counties
Librarian: Vicky Woods
Library code: WV1C
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special services: Braille on request, dial-up news or book services, radio reading service, volunteer services

Services for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Parkersburg and Wood County Public Library
3100 Emerson Avenue
Parkersburg, WV 26104-2414

Telephone: (304) 420-4587
Fax: (304) 420-4589
Web site:
Serves: Calhoun, Jackson, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, Wirt, and Wood counties
Librarian: Michael Hickman
Library code: WV1E
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette
Special collections: Children’s books, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Magnifier
Special services: Volunteer services
Publications: Patron newsletter

West Virginia School for the Blind #
301 East Main Street
Romney, WV 26757

Telephone: (304) 822-4894
Fax: (304) 822-4896
Serves: Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Mineral, Morgan, and Pendleton counties
Librarian: Mona Childs
Library code: WV1F
Hours: 8:00–5:00 M, W, F; 8:00–8:00 T, Th
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, large print
Special collections: Audio-descriptive videos, children’s books, print-braille books
Assistive devices: Braille embosser (computer driven), braillewriter (manual)
Special services: Braille on request, children’s story hour, volunteer servicess

Ohio County Public Library
Services for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
52 16th Street
Wheeling, WV 26003-3696

Telephone: (304) 232-0244
Fax: (304) 232-6848
Serves: Brooke, Hancock, Marshall, Ohio, and Wetzel counties
Librarian: Lori Nicholson
Library code: WV1G
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassettee


Regional Library

Wisconsin Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
813 West Wells Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233-1436

Telephone: (414) 286-3045
Toll-free: 800-242-8822
TDD: (414) 286-3548
Fax: (414) 286-3102
E-mail: or
Web site:
Serves: Wisconsin; braille readers receive service from Utah.
Librarian: Marsha J. Valance
Machine agency contact: Dwight Ferrell
Library code: WI1A
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, disc
Special collections: Audio-descriptive DVD and videos, electronic books, local subjects and authors, print reference collection, videotapes on disabilities
Assistive devices: Braille notetaker, braillewriter (manual), closed-circuit TV (Optelec, etc.), embosser (computer driven), magnifier, optical character reader, screen-enlarging software, speech input or output
Special services: Braille on request, children’s summer reading program, dial-up news or book services, volunteer services
Publications: Catalog of locally produced materials, patron newsletter, subject bibliographies


[Library services from Utah]

Machine-Lending Agency

Wyoming Department of Education
Services for Visually Impaired
2300 Capitol Avenue
Hathaway Building, Room 144
Cheyenne, WY 82009

Telephone: (307) 777-7274
Fax: (307) 777-5421
Machine agency contact: Beverly Lee
Library code: WY9A

Eligible readers in Wyoming receive library service from the regional library in Salt Lake City, Utah.

U.S. Citizens Abroad

U.S. citizens residing in foreign countries receive library service from:

Network Services Section
National Library Service for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20542

Telephone: (202) 707-9261
TDD: (202) 707-0744
Fax: (202) 707-0712
E-mail: or
Web site:
Librarian: Yealuri Rathan Raj
Library code: LC*3
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille
Publications: Patron newsletter


Music Section
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20542

Telephone: (202) 707-9257 and (202) 707-9254
Toll-free: 800-424-8567
TDD: (202) 707-0744
Fax: (202) 707-0712
Web site:
Serves: All patrons interested in braille or large-print musical scores or instructional music recordings
Librarian: John Hanson
Library code: LC*6
Hours: 8:00–4:30 M–F
Book collection: Audiocassette, braille, large print

Affiliated Library Consortium

Libraries in this section are part of an Affiliated Library Consortium. NLS recognizes these libraries as affiliates because they meet the following criteria: produce books in audio and braille and/or other appropriate formats for use by eligible readers; make materials available free of charge to eligible readers (eligible readers are defined as those individuals eligible for library services coordinated by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped); follow or approximate current NLS standards for book production; and submit cooperative cataloging on the titles it is willing to lend for inclusion in the NLS union catalog.

JBI International
(established as The Jewish Braille Institute of America)
110 East 30th Street
New York, NY 10016

Telephone: (212) 889-2525
Toll-free: (800) 433-1531
Fax: (212) 689-3692
Web site:
Contact person: Pearl Lam, Director of Library Operations
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Eligibility: Inability to read standard print
Book collection: Braille, cassette, large print
Subjects: Judaica, Jewish interest
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: Free loan
Catalog available: Free on request (indicate interest areas and media)

Xavier Society for the Blind
154 East 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010

Telephone: (212) 473-7800
Toll-free: (800) 637-7801
Fax: (212) 473-7801
Contact person: Robert Nealon or Ramona Betancourt
Hours: 9:00–4:45 M–F
Eligibility: Legal blindness or physical disability
Book collection: Braille, cassette, large print
Subjects: Religious and inspirational; religion textbooks (Roman Catholic)
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: Free loan
Catalog available: In braille, large print, and on cassette; issued irregularly; free on request

Other Library Resources

Accessible Book Collection
12847 Point Pleasant Drive
Fairfax, VA 22033

Telephone: (703) 631-1585
Fax: (775) 256-2556
Web site:
Contact person: Joe Rickerson
Eligibility: Blind, visual and physical disabilities; disability form signed by competent authority required
Book collection: 455 e-books that would typically be found in a public library
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: Download materials in XHTML format from the web site; annual charge of $49.95

Books Aloud, Inc.
P.O. Box 5731
San Jose, CA 95150-5731

Telephone: (408) 808-2613
Fax: (408) 808-2625
Web site:
Contact person: Claudia Nicolai, Operations Manager
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F (taped message after hours)
Eligibility: Visual, physical, and learning disabilities; doctor’s certificate required
Book collection: Cassette
Subjects: General interest
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: Free, monthly, revolving loan
Catalog available: Online, on cassette, and in large print; free on request; new titles announced via annual newsletter
The Benetech Initiative
480 California Avenue
Suite 201
Palo Alto, CA 94306-1609

Telephone: (650) 475-5440
Web site:
Contact person: Mandy Throckmorton
Eligibility: Visual or other print disabilities
Book collection: In text format and contracted braille
Subjects: General interest, textbooks and periodicals, Spanish-language materials
Reading levels: Adult and children
Distribution policy: Download materials from the web site; $25 sign-up fee and $50 annual subscription for individuals; institutional accounts available for schools and groups

Bower Hill Braillists Foundation
70 Moffett Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15243

Telephone: (412) 343-3667
Fax: (412) 531-0819
Contact person: Priscilla Getty
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M, F
Eligibility: Need for braille materials
Book collection: Braille
Subjects: General interest, textbooks
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: Free loan, charge for materials used (need not be returned)
Catalog available: In regular print, braille; free on request

Braille Book Files
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
100 West 45th Street
Austin, TX 78756

Telephone: (512) 206-9315
Fax: (512) 206-9264
Web site:
Contact person: James Allan
Eligibility: Need for braille materials
Book collection: In text format and contracted braille
Subjects: General fiction and nonfiction submitted by teachers and transcribers
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: Electronic braille files for download (brf, Duxbury, MegaDots, Braille2000)
Catalog available: Online

Christian Record Services, Inc.
Free Lending Library
P.O. Box 6097
Lincoln, NE 68506-0097

Telephone: (402) 488-0981
Fax: (402) 488-7582
Web site:
Contact person: Bert Williams, Director of Reading Services
Hours: 7:30–5:30 M–Th
Eligibility: Legal blindness and physical disabilities that prevent reading standard print
Book collection: Braille, cassette; Full-Vision® books (print/braille) for children, including preschoolers
Subjects: General interest with religious orientation (interdenominational)
Reading levels: Adult, young adult, and children
Distribution policy: Free loan
Catalog available: Online and in large print

Educational Tape Recording for the Blind and Handicapped
3915 West 103rd Street
Chicago, IL 60655

Telephone: (773) 445-3533
Fax: (773) 445-3534
Contact person: Vivette R. Rifkin
Hours: 9:00–4:00 M, F; 9:00–1:00 Sat
Eligibility: Visual, physical, and mental disabilities
Book collection: Cassette
Subjects: Textbooks and other assigned material
Reading levels: Students at all levels
Distribution policy: On loan for a $75 annual fee for elementary and high school level, $100 for college level
Catalog available: In regular print; issued yearly; free to registered borrowers, $5 for others

Horizons for the Blind, Inc.
2 North Williams Street
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

Telephone: (815) 444-8800
Toll-free: (800) 318-2000
Fax: (815) 444-8830
Web site:
Contact person: Camille Caffarelli
Hours: 8:00–4:00 M–F
Eligibility: Legal blindness
Book collection: Braille, cassette, large print
Subjects: Arts, crafts, sciences, recreation
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: On loan for a $10 annual fee or for purchase
Catalog available: In large print, braille; issued irregularly; $2

International Electronic Braille Book Library
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, MD 21230

Telephone: (410) 659-9314
Web site:
Book collection: Electronic braille books
Subjects: General interest, including classics
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: Contracted braille ASCII files to read online or download for viewing offline or embossing
Catalog available: Online

Martha Arney Library for the Blind
3911 Hayes Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55421

Telephone: (763) 788-0508
Contact person: Martha Arney or Merlin Arney, Director
Hours: 8:00–4:00 M–F
Eligibility: Visual or physical disabilities
Book collection: Cassette
Subjects: General interest, nondenominational Christian fiction and nonfiction
Reading levels: Adults
Distribution policy: Free loan
Catalog available: Recorded catalogs on four-week loan

National Association for Visually Handicapped (NAVH)
22 West 21st Street
New York, NY 10010**

Telephone: (212) 889-3141
Fax: (212) 727-2931
Web site:
Contact person: Ann Illuzzi
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F
Eligibility: Difficulty reading standard print
Book collection: Large print, limited number of cassettes
Subjects: General interest, fiction, nonfiction, and some inspirational titles
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: Free loan; donations welcomed
Catalog available: In large print; updated annually; free on request to members, $6 to nonmembers

**Residents of western states, including Alaska and Hawaii, should contact:

National Association for Visually Handicapped
507 Polk Street, Suite 420
San Francisco, CA 94102

Telephone: (415) 775-6284
Fax: (415) 346-9593
Web site:
Contact person: Sonya, Library Service
Hours: 9:00–5:00, M–F

National Braille Association, Inc.
3 Townline Circle
Rochester, NY 14623-2513

Telephone: (585) 427-8260
Toll-free: (800) 244-5797
Fax: (585) 427-0263
Web site:
Contact person: Sheila DiPrima
Hours: 8:30–5:00 M–F
Eligibility: Need for braille materials
Book collection: Braille
Subjects: General interest, cookbooks/hobbies, professional/vocational, music, technical tables, textbooks
Reading levels: Adult
Distribution policy: Charge for materials used (need not be returned)
Catalog available: In large print and in braille: textbook catalog, general interest catalog, music catalog free on request; technical tables catalog (print only) free on request

Readings for the Blind, Inc.
29350 Southfield Road, Suite 130
Southfield, MI 48076-2060

Telephone: (248) 557-7776
Toll-free: (888) 766-1166
Fax: (248) 557-5382
Web site:
Contact person: Doreen Murphy, Executive Director
Hours: 9:00–3:00 M–W; 9:00–12:00 Th
Eligibility: Blind, visually impaired, learning disabled, or physically unable to hold a book or turn pages
Book collection: Cassette
Subjects: General interest, textbooks, professional/vocational
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: Free loan; tapes exchanged or $2 per cassette for purchase

Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic
20 Roszel Road
Princeton, NJ 08540

Telephone: (609) 452-0606
Toll-free: (800) 221-4792 (use for book orders and inquiries M–F)
Fax: (609) 987-8116
Web site:
Contact person: Member Services Department
Hours: 8:30–4:45 M–F (taped messages after hours)
Eligibility: Any person with a documented print disability: blindness, low vision, dyslexia, learning disabilities, or other physical disabilities that affect reading; completed application form must be submitted with a registration fee of $65 and an annual membership fee of $35.
Book collection: Cassettes and digitally recorded textbooks on compact disc
Subjects: Educational, professional, vocational, and general interest
Reading levels: Adults and children (kindergarten to post-graduate)
Distribution policy: Two membership programs available: individual and institutional
Catalog available: Online

Seedlings Braille Books for Children
P.O. Box 51924
Livonia, MI 48151-5924

Telephone: (734) 427-8552
Toll-free: (800) 777-8552
Fax: (734) 427-8552
Web site:
Contact person: Debra J. Bonde, Director
Hours: 9:00–5:00 M–F (answering machine and fax available at all times)
Eligibility: Need for braille materials
Book collection: Braille, print braille; World Book Encyclopedia articles in braille free for students
Subjects: General interest
Reading levels: Children (preschool through eighth grade)
Distribution policy: Charge for materials used (need not be returned)
Catalog available: In braille, online, and in regular print; free on request; issued annually

South Carolina Braille Production Center
2809 Airport Road
Greenwood, SC 29649

Telephone: (864) 229-5709, ext. 1416
Fax: (803) 896-1095
Contact person: Cheryl Peduzzi
Hours: 7:00–3:00 M–F
Eligibility: Need for braille materials
Book collection: Braille, tactile graphics
Subjects: Adult fiction; general interest; children’s literature; elementary, middle and high school textbooks and required reading for these levels
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: Charge for cost of raw materials used (need not be returned)
Catalog available: Free on request

Tape Ministries NW
840 South 192nd Street
Seattle, WA 98148

Telephone: (206) 243-7377
Web site:
Contact person: Executive Director
Hours: 10:00–3:00 M–F
Eligibility: Blind, visually impaired, physically and developmentally disabled; disability form signed by competent authority required
Book collection: Cassette
Subjects: General interest with Christian orientation
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: Free loan
Catalog available: In large print, on cassette; issued annually

Volunteers of Vacaville
P.O. Box 670
Vacaville, CA 95696-0670

Telephone: (707) 448-6841, ext. 2044
Contact person: Steve Cenda
Hours: 8:00–3:00 M–F
Eligibility: Inability to read standard print because of visual or physical disabilities
Book collection: Cassette
Subjects: General interest, cookbooks/hobbies,professional/vocational, textbooks
Reading levels: Adults and children
Distribution policy: On loan for a nominal fee
Catalog available: In regular print, on cassette; issued every four years

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Posted on 2007-06-21