NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Question

    What type of organisms might live on Mars? I've studied Archaea, but do scientist think there might be any other types of organisms?

    Most scientists believe that if life is found on Mars, it is most likely microbial. This is because the harsh Martian conditions of radiation, freezing temperatures, scarce water, and low pressure allow only the toughest life (as we know it) to survive. On Earth, such hardy life forms are known as extremophiles—organisms that can tolerate extreme environments. You are correct in your assumption that the Earth organisms under the domain Archaea generally fit this profile. However, other extremophilic life can be found in the domain Eukarya as well. For more detail on these organisms, check out: For a recent press release on a species of Archaea living in one of the best known Martian terrestrial analogs, check out: Anna Lee Strachan, NASA Astrobiology Institute
    July 11, 2002

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