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OSHA News Release
2004 - 04/08/2004 - Trinational Occupational Safety and Health Web Site Launched

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OSHA Trade Release
April 8, 2004
Contact: Mike Biddle
Phone: 202-693-5051

Trinational Occupational Safety and Health Web Site Launched

WASHINGTON -- The Trinational Occupational Safety and Health Working Group of Government Experts of the U.S., Mexico and Canada has agreed to launch a Web site focusing on occupational safety and health issues.

Also, employer and worker representatives have been selected to advise on issues raised under the Trinational Working Group and participate in its activities as appropriate.

"The Web site will be a useful information source about the working group and the occupational safety and health activities of the three governments," said John Henshaw, assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health and U.S. chairman for the working group. "The new Web site and selection of representatives for occupational safety and health are key milestones for the Trinational Working Group. The labor and management members will offer important expertise and advice for the working group."

The other chairmen are Manuel Rodriguez-Arriaga, Mexican director general for workplace safety and health; and Gerry Blanchard, Canadian director general for operations.

The Web site (, which can be navigated in English, Spanish or French, promotes public involvement and education; contains links to each government's occupational safety and health programs and practices; and provides for the exchange of best practice information among the three governments.

The Web site also provides information about the projects and activities of the Trinational Working Group. That group was established under the auspices of the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation, the labor side agreement to the North American Free Trade Agreement.

The occupational safety and health representatives join four subgroups within the Trinational Working Group. The four subgroups address: inspector and technical assistance staff training; occupational safety and health management systems and voluntary protection programs; handling of hazardous substances; and the trinational Web page.


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