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OSHA News Release
2002 - 06/13/2002 - Small Business Resource CD Available from OSHA

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Region 10 News Release:   #02-136
June 13, 2002
Contact: Jeannine Lupton
                Michael Shimizu
Phone: 206-553-7620

Small Business Resource CD Available from OSHA
CDs area vailable to Idaho businesses only

SEATTLE -- The U.S. Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Boise Area Office and the Idaho Consultation Program at Boise State University have published a Small Business Resource CD. The CD is interactive with the Internet and includes standards, directives, and publications available from BSU and the OSHA websites.

The CD also contains sample written programs to assist employers on compliance with OSHA standards such as the hazard communication, respiratory protection, personal protective equipment assessment, energy control (lockout/tagout), hearing conservation, fall protection, crane inspection, crane and hoist safety, bloodborne pathogen hazards, trenching and excavation safety, and an accident prevention program for the construction industry. A Workplace Safety and Health Management Plan is included to assist employers in developing effective safety and health programs.

For a free copy of the Small Business Resource CD call the Boise OSHA Area Office at 208-321-2960. (In Idaho only call 1-800-482-1370.) CDs area vailable to Idaho businesses only.


U.S. Labor Department releases are accessible on the Internet at The information in this news release will be made available in alternate format upon request (large print, Braille, audio tape or disc) from the COAST office. Please specify which news release when placing your request. Call (202) 693-7773 or TTY (202) 693-7755.

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