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OSHA News Release
2004 - 08/24/2004 - OSHA Announces Partnership for Construction of New KETV Tower

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Region 7 News Release:    OSHA/04-1685-KAN
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Contact: Norma J. Conrad
Phone: 816-426-5481

OSHA Announces Partnership for Construction of New KETV Tower
Goal Is Zero Accidents While Giant Structure Goes Up

OMAHA, Neb. -- To ensure safety and health for workers erecting a new telecommunications tower for KETV, the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will form a partnership with KETV (Hearst-Argyle Properties, Inc.), Richland Tower Services, LLC and Radian Communications Services Corporation. A signing ceremony will be held August 24.

OSHA Strategic Partnerships for Worker Safety and Health are part of U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao's ongoing efforts to improve the health and safety of workers through cooperative relationships with groups including trade associations, labor organizations, and employers

Charles E. Adkins, CIH, OSHA regional administrator in Kansas City, said the partnership is the first in this industry within the Midwest region focused on the safe erection of a telecommunications tower. Also, this partnership is the first in the nation with a goal of "zero accidents" at a specific tower erection site.

"KETV has an exemplary commitment to worker safety and health, and this partnership will create an opportunity to achieve a zero accident worksite," Adkins said. "It's an important training vehicle for tower erection workers and will facilitate outreach to other tower contractors not associated with this partnership."

Participants will gain information, guidance and access to training resources to ensure worker safety and health during the tower's erection and testing phase. The partnership will expire when the tower project is completed.

Located at 72nd St. and Crown Pointe, the tower will be approximately 1,365 feet tall and is being constructed to replace a nearly 35-year old structure. Richland Tower Services, LLC a Florida-based company, is the construction manager for the tower project, and Radian Communications Services Corporation, a leading manufacturer and installer in the industry, will supply and install the tower.

Since its Strategic Partnership Program began in 1998, the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has formed more than 300 partnerships, impacting over 13,000 employers and 573,000 employees across the United States. For more information about the KETV tower partnership, contact the OSHA area office in Omaha at 402-221-3182.

Event: OSHA, KETV, Richland Tower Services, LLC, Radian Communications Services Corporation Partnership Signing Ceremony
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 1:30 p.m. CST
Location: U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA Area Office
6910 Pacific St., Room 100, Omaha, Nebraska

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