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OSHA News Release
2002 - 11/25/2002 - Significant Safety Hazards At Manhattan Construction Project Lead To $177,000 In OSHA Fines For Three Construction Contractors

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Region 2 News Release:     BOS 2002-237
Monday, November 25, 2002
Contact: John M. Chavez
Phone: (617) 565-2075

Significant Safety Hazards At Manhattan Construction Project Lead
To $177,000 In OSHA Fines For Three Construction Contractors
Two Fatal Accidents Prompted Inspection at 10 Columbus Circle Site

NEW YORK -- A federal investigation of two fatal accidents earlier this year at a Manhattan construction site has resulted in three construction contractors being cited for significant safety violations and fined $177,000 by the U.S. Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

The first accident occurred May 22 when an employee of Diamond Installations, Inc., of New Rochelle, N.Y., was killed while operating a forklift truck on the eighth floor of the AOL-Time Warner Building, under construction at 10 Columbus Circle.

The second occurred Sept. 11 when an employee of Sorbara Construction Corp., of Lynbrook, N.Y., was struck in the head by a falling object during a windstorm at the same site. The third company being cited is Bovis Lend Lease LMB, Inc., of New York City, the overall construction manager for the 10 Columbus Circle project.

"Construction worksites pose a wide range of hazards," said Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. "Everything must be done on constructions sites, including safety training and carefully following safety standards, to prevent tragedies such as these."

According to Richard Mendelson, area director for OSHA's Manhattan office, Diamond Installations is being cited for two alleged willful violations for failure to properly train the operator of the forklift truck, and failure to provide other workers with fall protection while they worked near the edge of open sided floors installing windows. Proposed penalties total $112,000. A willful violation as one committed with intentional disregard of, or plain indifference to, requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and regulations.

Sorbara Construction is being cited for two alleged serious violations with proposed penalties of $10,000 for failure to properly guard a floor hole and failure to provide workers with protection against overhead falling objects. A serious citation is issued when death or serious physical harm result from a hazard about which the employer knew, or should have known.

Mendelson noted that OSHA recently cited Sorbara Construction as a result of another accidental fall that injured an employee in August at the same construction site. Those citations have been settled. Sorbara will pay a $12,000 penalty.

Finally, Bovis Lend Lease LMB, Inc. is being cited for one alleged serious violation for an unguarded wall opening, and two alleged repeat violations for an unguarded floor hole and lack of protection from overhead falling objects. Proposed penalties total $55,000. A repeat violation occurs when a company has been cited for similar violations within the past three years.

Citations for not protecting workers against overhead falling objects that were issued to Sorbara and Bovis are not related to the September fatal accident. OSHA determined that the victim in that case was in an area where safety standards did not require overhead protection.

The companies have 15 business days from receipt of their citations and proposed penalties to either elect to comply with them, to request and participate in an informal conference with the OSHA area director, and/or to contest them before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. The OSHA Area Office in Manhattan conducted the inspection. Its telephone number is 212-620-3200.


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