National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis

Services for Visitors and on-site Researchers

Veterans and next-of-kin

Individuals who wish to visit NPRC (MPR) because they have a strong interest in reviewing their own files rather than receiving document copies by mail are encouraged to write beforehand to save time. In your written request, include:

  • the date of the desired appointment
  • your daytime telephone number
NPRC (MPR) will call you to confirm the appointment date. 

Provide at least two to three weeks for NPRC (MPR) to receive your request, process it, and retrieve the related records.

Please see Access to Records by Veterans, Next-of-Kin, or the Veteran's Representative, for further instructions.

General Public (not a veteran or next-of-kin)

General Information for Researchers:  Researchers must contact NPRC (MPR) in writing concerning their projects.  Researchers planning to conduct projects involving a large number of records must have the authorization of the respective branches of service.  This is a prerequisite before NPRC (MPR) will grant access to military records.  NPRC (MPR) will provide the points of contact within the military services for obtaining authorizations.

If the research is to involve information from a limited number of individual records, the researcher must usually obtain each veteran's signed and dated authorization specifying what may be released from the record.  After authorizations have been obtained, you may submit your request(s) to NPRC (MPR).  Please also see Access to Military Records by the General Public, including genealogists who are not next-of-kin , for further instructions.  A sample authorization is also included for your review.  NPRC (MPR) has limited facilities for researchers.  Therefore, project coordination and appointments are required in advance of visits.  Please provide a daytime telephone number where you can be reached to schedule the appointment.


Fees may be charged for researchers if processing and photocopying become excessive. If your request involves a service fee, you will be notified as soon as that determination is made.

Response Time.

Visitors should schedule appointments so that most information can be obtained during the visit. Researchers involved in lengthy projects must coordinate all project aspects with NPRC (MPR) including turnaround time.

Visitors who plan their visits without advance coordination may not be able to receive requested information promptly.  Please plan your visit in advance so that we may accommodate your needs.

See Also:

"NARA ensures, for the Citizen and the Public Servant, for the President and the Congress and the Courts, ready access to essential evidence."

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272