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Recorded Sound Section--Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division



Women on the Radio
arrow graphicBeyond the Microphone
Daytime Programming
World War II
NBC Radio Collection
Programs for and by Women
Meet the Press Collection
NPR Collection
WOR Collection
Pacifica Radio Archive
CBS Collection
AFRTS Collection
Women on AFRS
OWI Collection
VOA Collection
BBC Sound Archive Collection
Music Recordings
Drama and Literature Recordings
The Spoken Word




Beyond the Microphone
see caption below

Ruth Anderson, San Francisco's only woman radio news reporter. Ann Rosener, photographer. 1943 Feb. Prints and Photographs Division. LC-USE6-D-009785 (b&w film nitrate neg.)

bibliographic record

From radio's earliest pre-network days, women worked in almost every capacity, both at the microphone and behind the scenes. Women have been among radio's most imaginative and productive writers and producers. Eva vom Baur Hansl (1888?-1978), a journalist who worked with several different broadcasting organizations, produced such educational programs as Women in the Making of America (1939), a Federal Radio Theatre project written by Jane Ashman (n.d.); Gallant American Women (1939-40); and Womanpower (1942). Virginia Safford Lynne (n.d.) and Ruth Adams Knight (1898-1974) wrote for, among other programs, The Great Gildersleeve (1941-49, 1952-57, 1966) and Those We Love (1942, 1944), respectively. Writers Ann Barley (n.d.) and Ruth Barth (n.d.) contributed to the docudrama series March of Time (1937-39, 1941-45). Helen Mack (1913-1986) directed The Saint (1950-51) and The Alan Young Show (1944-47, 1949-50). In 1930, actress-turned-writer Edith Meiser (1898-1993) persuaded the National Broadcasting Company to produce Sherlock Holmes (1939-40), which she had adapted for radio from the original stories. She continued to work on the series as script editor, writer, and adapter through the late 1940s.3

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