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OSHA News Release
2004 - 11/03/2004 - OSHA Announces New Partnership to Safeguard Workers on Rochester's Troup Howell Bridge Replacement Project

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Region 2 News Release:    USDL 04-2195-NEW/ BOS 2004-264
Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Contact: Ted Fitzgerald
Phone: (617) 565-2074

OSHA Announces New Partnership to Safeguard Workers on Rochester's
Troup Howell Bridge Replacement Project

ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- Workers involved in the Troup Howell Bridge Replacement project will be safer thanks to a new partnership formed between the U.S. Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the project's general contractor Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc., the Rochester Building and Construction Trades Council AFL-CIO, the New York State Department of Labor and the Construction Industry Association of Rochester, N.Y., Inc.

OSHA's Strategic Partnerships for Worker Safety and Health are part of U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao's ongoing efforts to improve the health and safety of workers through cooperative relationships with groups including trade associations, labor organizations, and employers. Major partnership goals for the Troup Howell Bridge Replacement include zero fatal accidents and an annual reduction in injuries of at least four percent.

"The Troup Howell Bridge Replacement involves a broad scope of operations, and many carry potential safety and health hazards," said Patricia K. Clark, OSHA's regional administrator. "This partnership provides a strong foundation for ensuring that workers stay safe throughout its duration."

The project is a multi-year venture to replace the bridge that daily carries more than 100,000 vehicles on I-490 over the Genesee River, South Avenue and Exchange Boulevard. It will utilize approximately 12 subcontractors, employing upwards of 150 construction trades workers over the life of the project. Operations that will take place during bridge replacement include demolition, excavation, concrete formwork, structural steel work, heavy rigging, and painting.

Under the partnership, Kraemer and all participating subcontractors must meet stringent safety guidelines that address such safety issues as fall protection, electrical safety, crane operations, and use of personal protective equipment. They also will develop and use site-specific safety programs. The partnership will remain in effect for the life of the project.

Signing the agreement for OSHA were Patricia K. Clark, regional administrator, and Arthur Dube, area director for OSHA's Buffalo office. Dale Thiemann, senior project manager for the Mid-Atlantic region, J. David Nardon, vice-president of Mid-Atlantic operations, and Duane Skinner, Mid-Atlantic regional safety manager, signed for Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. Greg Conrad, supervising safety and health inspector, signed for the New York State Labor Department's Consultation Program. Signing for the Rochester Building and Construction Trades Council AFL-CIO were Frank Wirt, president, and Gary Swanson, recording secretary. Gary Roth, president, signed for the Construction Industry Association of Rochester, NY Inc.

Since its Strategic Partnership Program began in 1998, the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has formed more than 300 partnerships, impacting over 13,000 employers and 573,000 employees across the United States. OSHA's role is to assure the safety and health of America's workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach, and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual improvement in workplace safety and health. For more information, visit

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