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Summer 2008

Is the Hispanic Food Market Bigger than Organics?

ie Summer 2008


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The Agricultural Marketing Resource Center is an electronic, national resource for producers interested in value-added agriculture. Browse commodities and products, investigate market and industry trends, study business creation and operation, explore the renewable energy industry and locate value-added resources.

Featured Information

Commodities and Products

  • Hard Red Wheat - Did you know that wheat is the cereal grain most frequently used in foods? Approximately three-quarters of all U.S. grain products are made from wheat flour.

Markets and Industries

  • Country of Origin Labeling - USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service will soon expand mandatory country of origin labeling (COOL) to include most livestock and poultry meat, fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, and some nuts. Producers will need to maintain their records pertaining to these foods for one year.


  • Sugar Beets - Refined sugar can be processed from either sugar beets or sugarcane. However, 58 percent of the sugar refined in 2007 was beet sugar. Minnesota is the leading producer of sugar beets.


Food Industry MarketMaker
Market Maker national portal
is a national partnership of land grant institutions and State Departments of Agriculture dedicated to the development of a comprehensive interactive data base of food industry marketing and business data. It is currently one of the most extensive collections of searchable food industry related data in the country. All the information can be mapped and queried by the user.  . . MarketMaker


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