Full Text Journals & Newspapers Available Inside the
- by Title: (1) Serials
Solutions also has subject access.
(2) TDNet.
(3) EZB.
Choose easier to navigate ProQuest
or EBSCO, if you have a choice.
None of these three lists is completely accurate.
- by Subject.
- by System Name most used in our
Reading Room:
- ProQuest.
2500 journals, magazines, and newspapers,
many dating back to 1986 or earlier. Full text is available
for about half of these.
of ProQuest databases available. Subsets include:
- Current newspapers:
Today's (plus
last 60 days). Search current
ProQuest newspapers only (earliest titles are approx 1980-present).
Search mostly international titles
(earliest title is approx 1985-present).
- Historical newspapers: Search the
York Times (9/18/1851-2004), Washington
Post (12/12/1877-1991), Wall
Street Journal (7/8/1889-1990), or three
in one (NYT, WPost, WallStJ ) or search
11 historical
titles: AmsterdamNews, AtlantaConstitution, BostonGlobe, ChicagoDefender, ChicagoTrib,
ChristianSciMonitor, LATimes, NYTimes, PittsburghCourier, WallStJournal, WashingtonPost.
See list of selected
newspaper titles for
- EBSCO. "Search
is near the bottom of the list. "List
EBSCO Databases" sometimes includes
additional trial databases.
- Thomson/Gale (InfoTrac).
Databases with full text journals include:
- Wilson
OmniFile Fulltext.
Full text articles from over 1750 publications. Abstracts from over 3500, covering
virtually any subject. (Titles & dates
- Accessible
Archives. 19th-century newspapers, including The Pennsylvania
Gazette (1728-1800) Scroll down next to "Source".
- AllAfrica.
- American
Periodicals Series.
1100 full text titles (1740-1943).
- America's
Historical Newspapers 1690-1922.
- BioOne.
Biological, ecological journals.
- Bivir. Full text Latin
American (Spanish and Portuguese) journals.
- Black Studies
Center. Full text from the International Index to Black
Periodicals, plus the Chicago
Defender (1910-1975).
- Blackwell Synergy
Click on "All Journals By Subject" pulldown menu, then click on "Subscribed
Journals" to see what LC has.
- Business
Reference Suite.
- Canada
Depository Services Program.
- Central
and Eastern European Online Library.
- China
National Knowledge Infrastructure. Chinese and English
periodicals and newspapers.
- China Times
(Taiwan) Click on the word Enter.
- Chinese Cultural Revolution Database
- Chosun Daily
Newspaper Archive. Full-text, in Korean.
- Columbia
International Affairs Online.
- CQ.com
(scroll down)
CyberRegs. US Code, Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations, State Registers, etc.
- Early British Periodicals
- Editoria Italiana. (Click
on "Access for Institutions" at bottom.)
- Emerald. Management,
engineering, science & tech, health,
science. (1989- )
- Emerging Markets.
Includes full text news sources.
- Ethnic NewsWatch.
Ethnic, minority, native press. (For titles & dates,
click "Download Title List")
- Factiva.
Allows only a few users at a time. Make sure to logout, top
right corner, so others may use it when you're done.
- FirstSearch.
Full text databases include:
- CWI Contemporary
Women's Issues. (One of 29 FirstSearch databases)
- Gender Watch. (For
titles & dates available, click "Download Title List")
- Gerritsen Collection. Women's
history (1543-1945).
- Harper's Weekly (1857-1912).
Scroll down. Click "I Accept"
- Haworth.
Library Science, Medicine.
Scroll down to see titles we have.
- HeinOnline.
Law journals.
- History Cooperative. Titles like American Historical Review,
William and Mary Quarterly, etc.
- Ingenta (1996-
). Subscribed to titles are labeled "s". Click on a
letter, then scroll down to see some.
- Jane's. Click top left "client area" to begin, then scroll down and select the Library you want.
- JSTOR. Older titles,
long runs, dates range from 1665 to present.
- KPM: North Korea's Newspaper & Journals Database. Includes English edition of the Pyongyang Times (scroll down).
- Kiplinger Finance & Forecasts.
- Lexis
Nexis Congressional.
The Hill (1995 - present) and Roll Call (1989 - present).
- Lexis Nexis Congressional. Hearings.
- Lexis-Nexis
- Lexis-Nexis
Statistical, has full text tables.
- Library Literature & Information Science Full Text
- Library
Today's newspapers. Over 500 titles from 70 or more countries.
Up to 60 day
backfile. (Titles)
- LLMC. Old government
- Making
of the Modern World 1450-1850. Old economic literature.
- Middle
Eastern & Central Asian Studies. Includes hundreds
of links to full-text articles on the web.
- Newspaper Archives/Indexes/Morgues
- Nineteenth
Century Masterfile. Links to full text in Making
of America from Cornell.
- Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers (Gale)
- Nineteenth Century US Newspapers
- Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals (Gale)
- OECD Documents.
- Project Muse. Newer scholarly
& dates)
- Royal
Society Online Journals.
- Russian newspapers & periodicals from
- SAGE Journals Online
- Sports
Business Research Network
- SwetsWise. Full text access to a select list of ejournals.
- World News
Connection (formerly FBIS).
- Databases
& E-Resources.
Includes more comprehensive explanations, plus subject
access to the incredible array of
electronic resources available to you here at the Library of
- Other Full Text Resources on
the Web.