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Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
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Thread-Topic: Work and Aging Science Forum - RSVP today, space is limited
Thread-Index: Ach/ygLfQjWFK5zQRfe3nzXTn7sicwAl17XwAMcZVrAAAEqKAAABGtLg
Message-ID:  <[log in to unmask]>
Date:         Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:24:04 -0400
Reply-To:     "Sampson, Dana (NIH/OD) [E]" <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       NIH Beh & Soc Sci public events <[log in to unmask]>
From:         "Sampson, Dana (NIH/OD) [E]" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Work and Aging Science Forum - RSVP today, space is limited

________________________________ ** Please pass along to any colleagues, staff and interested parties ** For more information visit: The Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology invite you to attend a Science Forum on: Work and Aging: Psychological-Organizational Science Contributions to the Management of an Aging and Age-Diverse Workforce Friday, March 14, 2008, 9:00am - 5:00pm Union Station, 50 Massachusetts Ave., NE, Washington, DC 20002 Columbus Club Meeting Space (entrance located on the northeast side of the Main Hall of Union Station, across from Thunder Grill) Union Station Metro RSVP at The U.S. workforce is growing older and becoming increasingly age-diverse. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the workforce segment slated for the greatest growth over the next decade is that of persons 55 years or older. According to DOL projections, as the baby boomer generation ages, over 20 percent of the total civilian labor force in 2014 will be comprised of persons 55 years of age or older. This projection, together with projections that indicate continued slowing and delayed rates of young person entry into the workforce, the improved health status of baby boomers relative to previous generations, and recent legislative trends that discourage early retirement, indicate that today's "graying" members of the workforce (currently aged 45-60) wil! l play a central role in meeting future labor needs across a wide range of occupations. The graying of the U.S. workforce and spot shortages of young talent pose numerous immediate and long-term challenges for effective human resource management in public, private, and military organizations. In science and technology fields, current worker competencies must often be retooled to incorporate new advances into existing skill sets. Organizational changes in the private sector, spurred by economic globalization and competition, are creating new, serial patterns of employment across the lifespan, and increasing the need for worker adaptability. New work design and incentive systems are needed to promote learning, skill development, behavior change, and to increase organizational capacity for the development of dynamic work role adjustment strategies to ad! dress increasing diversity in worker needs and competencies. Scientists at this forum will address current research on maintaining competitive advantages in a global environment, managing talent, and promoting work engagement and organizational attachment. Federal agency representatives will discuss research opportunities for scientists and participate in discussions on the future role of industrial / organizational psychology in within their various agencies and the country's workforce as a whole. To RSVP for this event, or to learn more, please visit: <> Agenda 8:30am Registration; coffee and tea 9:00am Barbara Wanchisen, Executive Director, Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences Welcome and Opening Remarks 9:10am Kurt Kraiger, Colorado State University, SIOP President-Elect Moderator and Introductory Remarks 9:20am Ruth Kanfer, Georgia Institute of Technology The World of Work in the 21st Century: Older Workers, New Work Roles, and Age-Diverse Workplaces 10:00am Jeanette N. Cleveland, Pennsylvania State University Age Diversity and Human Resources Practices 10:40am Break 11:00am Elissa L. Perry, Teachers College, Columbia University Inter-Generational and Age Differences at Work 11:40am Janet Barnes-Farrell, University of Connecticut Managing Work Role Transitions, Knowledge Transfer, and Retirement 12:20pm Lunch (complimentary) 1:20pm Deborah Russell, American Association of Retired Persons Tapping the Vast Human Capital of Older Workers 2:00pm Amber Story, National Science Foundation Funding Opportunities at the National Science Foundation 2:40pm Break 3:00pm Jonathan W. King, National Institute on Aging NIA Perspectives and Opportunities on Work and Aging 3:40pm TBD 4:20pm Ruth Kanfer, Georgia Institute of Technology General Discussion and Closing 5:10pm Interested in continuing the conversation initiated during the forum? Join us at Thunder Grill for a social hour! Thunder Grill is located right across the Main Hall from the Columbus Club. We'll be gathering in the bar area. <> ================================================================= The BSSR-EVENTS-L mailing list is a service of the NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research ( TO JOIN THE LIST: Please send an e-mail message from the address at which you wish to receive announcements. Address your e-mail to * [log in to unmask] * The message should read SUBscribe BSSR-EVENTS-L [your full name]. The message is case sensitive; so capitalize as indicated! Don't include the brackets. For example, for Robin Smith to subscribe, the message would read SUBscribe BSSR-EVENTS-L Robin Smith * The subject line should be blank. You will receive a confirmation of your subscription along with instructions. 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