NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Ask an Astrobiologist
"When the astronauts go into space, what protects them from solar radiation (microwaves, etc.) which the ozone and atmosphere protect the Earth from?"
  1. Question

    Have we ever put people back on the moon since Apollo? I was just curious if there were plans to ever go back. Never hear anything about it.

    I'm surprised that you have not heard about the NASA plans to return to the Moon by 2020. You can find lots of Q&A on this topic in the archive of Ask an Astrobiologist past answers. Here is what I posted two weeks ago: The Apollo Moon program was stopped by the U.S. Congress after the Apollo 17 mission. NASA'a total budget was cut and the remaining program of human flights was redirected toward the less expensive Apollo-Soyuz joint flight with the USSR, the three Skylab missions (the first space station), and eventually the Space Shuttle and International Space Station. For information on the current NASA plans for human flights to the Moon, see the NASA Vision webpage ( David Morrison
    NAI Senior Scientist

    November 7, 2007

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