The Veterans Corporation
Starting Your Business

Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

These are the questions every entrepreneur must answer before going into business. Find out if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur and how your experience in the military can help you excel in entrepreneurship!

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Entrepreneurial self-assessment tools

Many entrepreneurs share common characteristics. Do you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur? One way to find out is to take this quiz and see how your score stacks up against 1,500 entrepreneurs surveyed by the Center for Entrepreneurial Management.

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Here is a tool to help better measure your entrepreneurial potential. This questionnaire includes 50 statements, and will take about 15 minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers. Your honest rating is what counts.

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Many successful entrepreneurs didn't know they had it in them. Other people thought they could build a business, only to be surprised later on. While no questionnaire can entirely predict your chance of success, the following self-assessment tool can provide you with a realistic snapshot of the demands of entrepreneurship. Why not take a few moments to measure your entrepreneurial IQ?

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How to avoid the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make

Do you know the 10 most common mistakes that even the most experienced entrepreneurs make? Discover why businesses fail and how you can avoid common entrepreneurial blunders!

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Knowing your market and finding a niche

Are you in demand? Improve your business success instantly by learning how to analyze the market, tailor your product, and create a foolproof marketing plan guaranteed to increase your selling potential!

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Planning your start-up

Does your business plan get the attention of banks and investors? Discover the secrets to writing an effective business plan, the information your plan must include, and how a great business plan can pave the way to entrepreneurial success!

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Acquiring capital and managing finances

How much money does it take to start a business and where does that money come from? Learn the basics of financial planning and management and find out how TVC can get you the money you need!

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Fit for Franchise

Franchise ownership is a unique form of entrepreneurship with both advantages and disadvantages over traditional start-up businesses. Learn the essentials of franchise ownership and find out why many Veterans are becoming franchisees.

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The most frequently asked questions by Veteran entrepreneurs

The truth about doing business with the government, receiving grants for business start-ups, and other questions all Veteran entrepreneurs ask.

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