Energy and Engineering Sciences Directorate   EES staff researchers



Transportation Program


Engine Research at the NTRC
Engine Research at the National Transportation Research Center

The Transportation Program comprises research and development primarily for the Department of Energy’s (DOE) FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program. Major research areas are fuels and engines, materials, power electronics and electric machines, and policy analysis. Our research addresses issues of national significance – such as air quality and dependence on foreign oil -- with technology innovations that manufacturers can use to provide the kinds of vehicles that Americans need and want. The Program is a partner in two major DOE research and development initiatives:

FreedomCAR and Fuel Partnership,
dramatically changing how cars and light-duty trucks are powered; and

21st Century Truck Partnership,
developing technologies for heavy-duty trucks and buses with improved fuel efficiency, reduced emissions, enhanced safety and performance, and lower operating costs.

TP Website

TP Fact Sheet PDF Format


