Hawai‘i State Department of Health
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About the Safe Drinking Water Branch

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Program Mission

The mission of the Safe Drinking Water Branch of the Department of Health is to safeguard public health by protecting Hawaii's drinking water sources (surface water and groundwater) from contamination and assure that owners and operators of public water systems provide safe drinking water to the community. This mission is accomplished through the administration of the Safe Drinking Water Program, Underground Injection Control Program (UIC), Groundwater Protection Program (GWPP), and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF).



  • To assure that the Safe Drinking Water Branch has the statutory, fiscal and personnel resources to accomplish its mission.

  • Identify and follow all applicable laws, regulations, policies, commitments of the Federal, State and County governments.

  • Assure that there are sufficient resources to protect and maintain safe drinking water quality through the equitable division of labor, proper job assignments, and through the pursuit of needed funding.

  • Establish and administer Safe Drinking Water Branch personnel policies and procedures in compliance with State Department of Personnel Services procedures, State employee contract, Budget and Finance, Executive Branch policies, federal EEO and Disability requirements, and Department of Health personnel procedures.

  • Assure that there is sufficient office, sample preparation area, and storage space to accommodate all staff, equipment, and functions required of the Safe Drinking Water Branch.

  • Assure that all personnel are aware of all laws that directly affect the fulfillment of safe drinking water requirements.

  • Assure that all personnel are properly trained in appropriate areas of the safe drinking water, related regulations, and working conditions.

Engineering Section


  • To provide engineering review and approval to new water sources, system modifications, treatment proposals, and other public water system activities requiring comment, review and approval.

  • Assure that new and substantial modifications to public water systems can deliver water of potable quality.

  • Review and provide technical assistance to water purveyors and consultants.

  • Review and approve plans, reports and specifications for new sources, serving public water systems.

  • Conduct special studies as necessary for the effective administration and operation of the Drinking Water Program.

  • Administer a State Revolving Fund for public water system improvements.

  • Implement the Lead and Copper program.

Enforcement Section


  • To review public water system performance and to achieve compliance by those systems through technical assistance, formal enforcement, or other means.

  • Assure that all public water systems are in compliance with all state and federal rules, regulations and requirements.

  • Identify non-compliant public water systems and to assure required violation response measures are taken.

  • Issue public notice of all new contaminants in a public water system as required under Chapter 340E, Section 340E-24, within 14 days of determination that the results are reliable, or take appropriate actin to establish reliable data.

  • Revise and update state regulations to be in compliance with Federal Drinking Water Requirements.

  • Identify system problems through sanitary survey, monitoring results or other means and work with systems to address these problems.

  • Issue enforcement actions as necessary.

  • Evaluate engineering compliance proposals, track progress of compliance projects, cite violations of compliance schedules or provide extensions where appropriate.

Monitoring Section


  • To monitor the State's public water systems and groundwater for contaminants.

  • Rule, Surface Water Treatment Rule, Phase I Volatile Organic Chemical Rule, Phase II Synthetic Organic/Inorganic Chemical Rule, Lead and Copper Rule, Phase V Synthetic Organic/Inorganic Chemical Rule, and future rules, changes and additions as they occur.

  • Coordinate statewide sampling between water systems, drinking water neighbor island and Oahu staff, and State Laboratories Division to assure samples meet prescribed holding times, and analyses can be conducted in an efficient manner.

  • Receive, evaluate, record, store and transmit data for all analyses to assure proper Branch response to all analytical results.

  • Monitor and sample drinking water of water purveyors who are on compliance schedules.

  • Maintain equipment in operating condition.

  • Monitor groundwater sources to determine status of statewide groundwater contamination.

Underground Injection Control and Groundwater Protection Section


  • To protect the quality of Hawaii's underground sources of drinking water from chemical, physical, radioactive, and biological contamination that could originate from injection well activity.

  • Process permits and project reviews for new and renewal permits, modifications, and abandonment of injection wells.

  • Evaluate geologic logs of soil and rock, injectivity tests, geologic maps, and groundwater quality profiles to determine the viability of subsurface injection.

  • Maintain inventory and database of all injection well files.

  • Organize and conduct site inspections to verify the location and performance of injection wells and to verify compliance with all testing or well closure plans.

  • Conduct site investigations to identify problems such as unpermitted facilities and correction of deficiencies.

  • Enforce Underground Injection Control rules and permit conditions.

  • Serve the public by providing information and technical assistance.

Statutory Requirements

Federal Requirements
Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, P.L. 92-523
Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986, P.L. 99-339
Lead Contamination Control Act of 1988
Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996, P.L. 104-182
40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 35, 124, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146 and 148

State Law
Chapter 340E, Hawaii Revised Statutes
Chapter 340F, Hawaii Revised Statutes

Administrative Rules
Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11, Chapter 19, Emergency Plan for Safe Drinking Water
Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11, Chapter 20, Potable Water Systems
Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11, Chapter 21, Backflow and Cross-Connection Control
Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11, Chapter 23, Underground Injection Control
Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11, Chapter 23a, 12/21/2000 Amendment, Underground Injection Control
Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11, Chapter 25, Certification of Operating Personnel in Water Treatment Plants

Contact Us

Phone:(808) 586-4258
From Hawaii (toll free):974-4000, ext. 64258
From Kauai (toll free):274-3141, ext. 64258
From Maui (toll free):984-2400, ext. 64258
From Molokai and Lanai (toll free):(800) 468-4644, ext. 64258
Fax:(808) 586-4351
E-mail: sdwb@doh.hawaii.gov
Safe Drinking Water Branch
Environmental Management Division
Hawaii State Department of Health
919 Ala Moana Blvd., Room 308
Honolulu, HI 96814-4920

Safe Drinking Water Branch - Kauai
Kauai District Health Office
3040 Umi Street
Lihue, Hawaii 96766
Phone: (808) 241-3323
Fax: (808) 241-3566
Safe Drinking Water Branch - Maui
Maui District Health Office
54 High Street
Wailuku, Hawaii 96793
Phone: (808) 984-8234
Fax: (808) 984-8237

East Hawaii
Safe Drinking Water Branch - Hilo
Hawaii District Health Office - Hilo
1582 Kamehameha Avenue
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Phone: (808) 933-0401
Fax: (808) 933-0400
West Hawaii
Safe Drinking Water Branch - Kona
West Hawaii Environmental Health Office
Keakealani Building
79-1020 Haukapila Street, Room 110
Kealakekua, Hawaii 96750
Phone: (808) 322-1961
Fax: (808) 322-1511

Last Update: 18 December 2006