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QPU April 2004

  Details for CMS-1428-P

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File Name CMS-1428-P
Subject Medicare Program; Proposed Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems and Fiscal Year 2005 Rates
Publication/Implementation Date 05/18/2004
Quarterly Release Date 04/01/2004
Provider Type Hospitals
Type of Regulation Regulations Published This Quarter
Regulation Summary We are proposing to revise the Medicare hospital inpatient prospective payment systems (IPPS) for operating and capital-related costs to implement changes arising from our continuing experience with these systems; and to implement a number of changes made by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-173), enacted on December 8, 2003. In addition, in the Addendum to this proposed rule, we describe the proposed changes to the amounts and factors used to determine the rates for Medicare hospital inpatient services for operating costs and capital-related costs. These proposed changes would be applicable to discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2004. We also are setting forth proposed rate-of-increase limits as well as proposed policy changes for hospitals and hospital units excluded from the IPPS that are paid on a reasonable cost basis subject to these limits. Among the policy changes that we are proposing to make are: Changes to the classification of cases to the diagnosis-related groups (DRGs); changes to the long-term care (LTC)-DRGs and relative weights; changes in the wage data, labor-related share of the wage index, and the geographic area designations used to compute the wage index; changes in the qualifying threshold criteria for and the proposed approval of new technologies and medical services for add-on payments; changes to the policies governing postacute care transfers; changes to payments to hospitals for the direct and indirect costs of graduate medical education; changes to the payment adjustment for disproportionate share rural hospitals; changes in requirements and payments to critical access hospitals (CAHs); changes to the disclosure of information requirements for Quality Improvement Organization (QIOs); and changes in the hospital conditions of participation for discharge planning and fire safety requirements for certain health care facilities.
Additional Information N/A



PART 1 [PDF - 508 KB]
PART 2 [PDF - 838 KB]
PART 3 [PDF - 8.88 MB]
PART 4 [PDF - 5.96 MB]
PART 5 [PDF - 5.21 MB]
PART 6 [PDF - 5.66 MB]
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