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The Last Rocketeer: Pink Boots and Yellow Daisies
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The X-24B lifting body dives toward the lakebed runway at Edwards Air Force Base during its final powered research flight on Sept. 23, 1975. EC75-4643
The X-24B lifting body dives toward the lakebed runway at Edwards Air Force Base during its final powered research flight on Sept. 23, 1975. (NASA phto)

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A TV reporter interviews NASA test pilot Bill Dana, wearing his infamous pink boots with yellow daisy decals, after the last powered flight of the X-24B. EC75-4644
A TV reporter interviews NASA test pilot Bill Dana, wearing his infamous pink boots with yellow daisy decals, after the last powered flight of the X-24B. (NASA photo)

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Former Astronauts, Pilots Feted at Aerospace Walk of Honor Induction

Former NASA astronauts Eileen Collins, Michael Collins and the late L. Gordon Cooper were among five persons inducted into the Aerospace Walk of Honor in Lancaster, Calif., on Sept. 20, 2008.

The 19th annual ceremonies honored the five, including retired Air Force Col. Joseph Schiele and retired McDonnell-Douglas test pilot Irving Burrows, who spent significant parts of their careers at nearby Edwards Air Force Base. The ceremonies included unveiling of plaques denoting highlights of their careers that will be placed on sidewalk monuments, an awards ceremony, a formal reception and banquet. Cooper, Michael Collins and Eileen Collins span the history of NASA's human spaceflight program from the Mercury through the Apollo and space shuttle eras.

Former NASA astronaut and retired U.S. Air Force Col. Eileen Collins shared memories about her career. ED08-0239-09
Former NASA astronaut and retired U.S. Air Force Col. Eileen Collins shared memories about her career as an Air Force pilot and NASA space shuttle commander and pilot during her induction into the Aerospace Walk of Honor.
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Suzan Cooper, widow of former NASA astronaut L. Gordon Cooper, spoke on behalf of her late husband. ED08-0239-11
Suzan Cooper, widow of former NASA astronaut and Air Force test pilot L. Gordon Cooper, spoke on behalf of her late husband during the Aerospace Walk of Honor induction ceremonies.
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Fans receive autographs from former NASA astronaut and retired Air Force officer Col. Eileen. ED08-0239-23
Nine-year-old Evelyn Accurso and her dad, TSgt. Anthony Accurso, USAF, were among scores of fans who received autographs from former NASA astronaut and retired Air Force officer Col. Eileen Collins and other inductees following the 2008 Aerospace Walk of Honor ceremonies.
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Retired NASA research pilot Fitzhugh Fulton and former space shuttle astronaut Eileen Collins ED08-0239-28
Retired NASA research pilot Fitzhugh Fulton and former space shuttle astronaut Eileen Collins, both of whom served as test pilots in the Air Force, reminisce about their experiences following the Aerospace Walk of Honor induction ceremonies. (NASA photos / Jim Ross)
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