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CSREES Releases Implementation Plans for 2007 Hatch and McIntire-Stennis Programs

June 23, 2006

The President’s FY 2007 CSREES-USDA Budget calls for an alternative approach for resource distribution of the Hatch and the McIntire-Stennis formula-based research programs. Under this new approach, on October 1, 2006, a portion of the formula based funding for both programs would be awarded through a nationally competitive multi-state/multi-institutional process. CSREES-USDA is responsible for developing implementation plans for the new competitive portion of these programs. This new approach requires a draft Request for Applications (dRFA) and processes for continuing the formula-base portion of these funding lines at the proposed funding level. Working with multiple parties, CSREES has developed a framework for both the Hatch National Multi-State Competitive Allocation Program and the McIntire-Stennis National Competitive Multi-State Forestry Research and Graduate Education Allocation Program.

Leaders from both CSREES and eligible institutions are working together to develop a feasible implementation program for the proposed budget. CSREES senior staff and institutional representatives formed a working group to develop a restructuring plan for each program. Stakeholder participation in the program is essential for process credibility. However, their participation should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the proposed Hatch or McIntire-Stennis program changes.

CSREES invited the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC) Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy (ESCOP) to participate in a working group to develop a restructuring plan for the Hatch national competitive allocation program. ESCOP and CSREES each appointed representatives to the Hatch working group. ESCOP representatives were Colin Kaltenbach, University of Arizona; Marshall Martin, Purdue University (alternate); Bruce McPheron, Pennsylvania State University; Steve Slack, The Ohio State University; Gregory Weidemann, University of Arkansas; Mike Harrington, Western Association of Experiment Stations Executive Director; and Eric Young, Southern Association of Experiment Stations Executive Director. CSREES representatives were Mark Bailey, Thomas Bewick, Franklin E. Boteler, Dennis Kopp, Larry R. Miller, Winston Sherman, and Susan Welsh.

CSREES also invited the National Association of University Forest Resources Programs (NAUFRP) to participate in a working group to develop a restructuring plan for the McIntire-Stennis national competitive allocation program. NAUFRP and CSREES each appointed representatives to the McIntire-Stennis working group. NAUFRP representatives were Perry Brown, University of Montana; Don DeHayes, University of Vermont; Margaret (Peg) Gale, Michigan Tech; Greg Johnson, Weyerhaeuser Company; Mike Kelly, Virginia Tech; and C. Patrick Reid, University of Arizona. CSREES representatives were Catalino Blanche, Dennis D. Kopp, Dan Kugler, H. Rick Meyer, Mark Poth, and Winston S. Sherman.

Comments on the implementation plans may be sent to:

Colien Hefferan

Last Updated: 11/26/2007