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Food Stamp Nutrition Education

Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE) is a federal/state partnership that supports nutrition education for persons eligible for food stamps. Two key federal partners are CSREES and the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). FNS determines national policies and procedures, monitors state programs, and reimburses states for up to half of program costs. CSREES facilitates communication among federal, state, and local partners, and provides programmatic leadership to university contractors for effective nutrition education through the land-grant system.

These associated Web pages are primarily for administrators of FSNE programs and networks hosted by the Land-Grant University System and the Association of State Nutrition Network Administrators (ASNNA), which conduct social marketing campaigns. Other FSNE contractors and non-affiliated professionals involved in other education programs for low-income audiences may also find the information of value.

The Web pages: facilitate communication between state, regional, and national staff within the Land-Grant University System and among ASNNA members; enhance program design, implementation, and evaluation of FSNE; support staff development and training; strengthen the link between research and practice; provide access to reports produced by CSREES/Extension/land-grant universities and ASNNA; give timely updates on FSNE-related issues; and, share proceedings from conferences and meetings involving CSREES and land-grant university FSNE representatives.


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Last Updated: 07/30/2007