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109th Congress (2005-2006)


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 

Committee Print (Budget Reconciliation), "Digital Television Transition Act of 2005", was ordered transmitted to the House Committee on the Budget, as amended, by a voice vote.

Prior to the vote on transmittal, a motion by Mr. Barton to agree to the Committee Print was adopted, amended, by a yea-nay vote: 33 - 17.

The following amendments were offered:

An amendment by Messrs. Dingell and Markey, #1, to strike all of the text of the Committee Print and replace it with the "Television Takings Restoration Act of 2005" which includes a hard deadline for the analog-to-digital transition, a program that would provide each household with not more than two vouchers for free converter boxes, and provide $5.8 billion in funds for public safety, was defeated by a yea-nay vote: 21 - 28;

An amendment by Mr. Barton, #2, the "Manager's Amendment", was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment by Mr. Markey, #3, re: voucher program for not more than two free digital-to-analog converter boxes for each household, was defeated by a yea-nay vote: 24 -27;

An amendment by Mr. Ferguson, #4, re: rulemaking to assess the necessity of re-channelizing the spectrum located between 767-773 megahertz and 797-803 megahertz to accommodate broadband applications, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment by Mr. Stupak, #5, to create the 'Public Safety First Responder Interoperability Fund' and allocate to this fund $5.8 billion of the proceeds from the sale of spectrum recovered after the analog-to-digital transition for grants to State and local governments, was defeated by a yea-nay vote: 24 - 24;

An amendment by Messrs. Upton, Engel, Fossella, and Towns, #6, to create the 'Public Safety Interoperable Communications Fund' and allocate $500,000 for grants to State and local governments, was adopted by a yea-nay vote: 42 - 0;

An amendment by Mr. Wynn, #6A, to have the grant funds awarded in a manner that gives priority to areas designated as at high risk for terrorist attacks and natural disasters for purposes of attaining full interoperability, was withdrawn;

An amendment by Mr. Boucher, #7, to require cable operators, during the five years after the transition deadline for the return of analog spectrum - when they are permitted to downconvert broadcasters' high definition programming to standard definition format - to display a visual notice at the beginning of each program the cable operator chooses to downconvert to standard definition format informing viewers of the downconversion, was defeated by a yea-nay vote: 16 - 31;

An amendment by Mr. Walden, #8, re: low-power television transition, was adopted by a voice vote;

Three amendments offered en bloc by Mr. Rush, #9, requiring that all complaints regarding converter box coupon reimbursements be resolved within 30 days after receipt of the complaint; requiring the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to conduct a study to evaluate and ensure the successful participation in the auction process of women, minorities, and small businesses; and inclusion of religious organizations as a private entity that would be considered for participation in the converter box coupon distribution effort, were adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment by Mr. Buyer, #10, to strike provisions providing for converter boxes, was defeated by a yea-nay vote: 10 - 29;

An amendment by Messrs. Engel, Fossella, and Towns, #11, to create the 'NYC 9/11 Digital Transition Fund', and allocate $30 million to the Fund for use for Fiscal Years 2006, 2007, and 2008, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment  by Ms. Bono, #12, re: converter box energy standards - preempting State standards and replacing them with a Federal standard setting the maximum energy consumption for passive standby mode of the converter box at no more than 9 watts, was adopted by a yea-nay vote: 25 - 18;

An amendment to the Bono amendment by Mr. Markey, #12A, re: converter box energy standards - setting the maximum energy consumption for passive standby mode of the converter box at no more than 2 watts, was defeated by a yea-nay vote: 17 - 25;

An amendment by Ms. Eshoo, #13, re: a sense of Congress urging the FCC to utilize its existing authority to promote the development and rapid deployment of new technologies, and ensuring that innovative technologies are available to American consumers by avoiding excessive concentration of licenses and by disseminating licenses among a wide variety of applicants, including small business and rural telephone companies, was adopted by a voice vote ;

An amendment by Mr. Bass, #14, re: including the Association of Public Television Stations and noncommercial educational television broadcast stations in the converter box coupon distribution effort, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment by Messrs. Gonzalez and Green, #15, re: extension of deadline for discontinuance of analog television service for any television broadcast station within 50 miles of the border between the United States and Mexico until 2015, was withdrawn;

An amendment by Ms. Eshoo, #16, re: allocation of $250 million exclusively for the implementation of the ENHANCE 911 Act of 2004, was withdrawn;

An amendment by Mrs. Cubin and Mr. Inslee, #17, to have the FCC re-evaluate the band plan for the auction of the unauctioned portions of the lower 700 megahertz band; and issuance of a final order in the matter of Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast Bands, was adopted by a voice vote;

An amendment by Mr. Markey, #18, to direct the FCC to prescribe regulations to reserve from the spectrum recovered from the analog television service, a single band of frequencies, nationwide, comprising 6 megahertz to be allocated to the public domain for unlicensed use, was withdrawn.


Prepared by the Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515