Brad Stinson
Bio: Brad has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Tennessee Technological University and an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee. He has spent much of his career working with safeguards systems used to protect and monitor some of the nation's most valuable assetts.

Interests: Radio Frequency Identification, Low Power Microprocessors, Packaging, Programming (C++,C#,LabWindows CVI,VHDL), Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Digital Signal Processors.

Contact Info: Email: Office: 865.241.6757

The Analog and Digital Systems Group

Mission Statement

The ADS group is part of the Engineering Science and Technology Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The mission of the ADS Group is to apply modern electronic methods to provide solutions to challenges that are important to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Department of Energy, other federal agencies, and private industry. Our mission is also to deliver quality products on time and within budget with a commitment to professionalism, fiscal responsibility, and customer satisfaction.

The ADS Group engineering and technical support staff has an effective balance of hardware development, software development, system integration, and user interface skills. Our signal conditioning, data acquisition, embedded controller, and interface designs employ the most appropriate blend of custom-developed and commercial off-the-shelf technologies. In addition to providing electronic interfaces to equipment, we are skilled in providing user interfaces. We deliver systems that are based on a thorough understanding of the customer's requirements, and we provide the design, development, testing, and postinstallation support necessary to ensure that our products fulfill those needs.

Core Competencies


Due to the results oriented nature of the ADS staff, our engineers and technologists are well integrated with external and internal fabrication shops. We accelerate science through excellence in engineering.

Analog and Digital Systems Group Members

Dwight A. Clayton, Leader

Judith P. Potter, Secretary

W. (Andy) H. Andrews

Kim N. Castleberry

Mike S. Hileman

Don E. Hurst

W. Bruce Jatko

Roberto Lenarduzzi

David E. McMillan

Carl W. Sohns

Brad Stinson

Christina Ward

Ken S. Weaver

R. Wes Wysor

For further information, please contact:
Dwight A. Clayton
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2008
Building 3606, MS 6003
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6003
(865) 576-8134
(865) 574-4529 (FAX)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Engineering Science and Technology Division | Comments?

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is operated by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy


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