The Library of Congress
George Washington | Lesson One

George Washington:
First in War,
First in Peace, and
First in the Hearts of His Countrymen

For Lesson One:
Excerpt from The humble Address of the Officers of the Virginia Regiment.

...Your steady adherance to impartial Justice, your quick Discernment and invariable Regard to Merit, wisely intended to inculcate those genuine Sentiments of true Honor and Passion for Glory, from which the great military Achievements have been deriv'd, first heighten'd our natural Emulation, and our Desire to excel.

... Judge then, how sensibly we must be Affected with the loss of such an excellent Commander, such a sincere Friend, and so affable a Companion. How rare is it to find those amable Qualifications blended together in one Man? How great the Loss of such a man? Adieu to that Superiority, which the Enemy have granted us over other Troops, and which even the Regulars and Provincials have done us the Honor to publicly acknowledge. Adieu to that strict Discipline and order, which you have always maintained. Adieu to that happy Union and Harmony, which has been our principle Cement!

...our unhappy Country will receive a loss, no less irreparable, than ourselves. Where will it meet a Man so experienc'd in military Affairs? One so renown'd for patriotism, Courage and Conduct? Who has so great knowledge of the Enemy we have to deal with? ...Who so much respected by the Soldiery? ...

See The humble Address of the Officers of the Virginia Regiment for the complete text of the letter.


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Last updated 09/26/2002