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Attachment A to UIPL 24-03 - HCTC ICON System Overview & Documentation

1. Data Transmission: State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) will transmit the required data certifying TAA or ATAA eligible individuals in the approved file format (Attachment B) through the Interstate Connection (ICON) network using the following procedures.

As soon as the SWA recognizes that an individual meets the eligible TAA or ATAA recipient criteria for the first time within a given month, the SWAs would transmit the eligible TAA or ATAA recipient's record to the IRS contractor. Each SWA will need to:

  • Create a monthly list of TAA and ATAA eligible individuals which will be updated on a daily basis.
  • Transmit the record(s) of the individual(s) determined qualified on a daily basis throughout the month.
  • Program its system to ensure that only those individuals determined as TAA or ATAA eligible for the first time within a month are sent to the IRS contractor for that particular month in the daily transmission.
  • Transmit only the header data in the approved file format to the contractor for IRS when there are no eligible TAA or ATAA individual records to transmit.
  • Maintain the Monthly TAA and ATAA eligible lists within the state's document retention policy.

(A diagram is provided on page three showing the steps listed above.) Each month is a new month; once an individual is reported eligible for a month, h/she is not reported again for that month, unless action occurs which makes the individual ineligible for such month. If an individual is determined TAA or ATAA eligible for a particular week that is split between two months, the SWA will submit a record for that individual for both months. To notify the HCTC office of the appropriate correction to previously reported eligibility status and months, use adjustment codes contained in attachment B to amend the individual's eligibility status.


    If an individual is determined eligible and paid retroactively for a period that begins in March and continues into April, the months reported are March and April provided that eligibility has not been previously reported for March or April based on a different week in the month. The individual is reported again for March or April only with a 'lost eligibility' adjustment code, i.e., code 20-24.

2. Issue Resolution: Issues and problems are bound to arise from the information provided by the SWAs and the health insurance companies to the IRS contractor. SWAs and the IRS contractor will utilize the IB 13 system on the ICON network to resolve any issues or problems with the TAA or ATAA data submitted by the SWAs. The IB 13 is a batch mail delivery system utilizing freeform text. It is used to exchange information between parties on the ICON network. The SWAs and the IRS contractor will follow the procedures listed below to resolve any issues or problems with the data submitted by the SWAs.

  • The IRS contractor will notify a State Workforce Agency through the ICON IB13 process, of any file(s) that is missing information or the TAA or ATAA information appears to be incorrect based on other information the contractor has obtained.
  • The SWAs respond to IRS contractor with additional or corrected information regarding TAA or ATAA eligibility information based on the review of the TAA or ATAA records.
  • The IRS contractor will maintain a log of all requests that it made to the SWAs and replies received from the SWAs.
  • The SWA will maintain a log of all requests made by the IRS contractor and its reply or replies to the contractor.
  • The contractor for IRS will only request information from the designated official from the SWA regarding TAA eligibility information.

A diagram is provided on page four showing the steps listed above to resolve issues / problems with the TAA or ATAA data submitted to the IRS contractor.

Created: June 15, 2004