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Download RMP*Comp

RMP*Comp is available for Windows and Macintosh.

For Windows:

  • Download RMP*Comp (EXE) (2MB)
  • Double-click the "RMPComp32.exe" file icon, then follow the directions you'll see on your screen.
  • After you have installed the system, you can run it by choosing "RMP Comp" from the Start menu, under Programs, ". Follow the directions on your screen to learn how to use it.

For Macintosh:

  • Download RMP*Comp (HQX) (2.7MB; requires System 7 or higher)
  • The RMP*Comp installer program has been compressed so that you can download it from the Internet. Some browsers are configured to automatically decode compressed files. If yours is, you should see a file called "RMPComp_mac" on your desktop. If your browser is not configured to decode files, you need a decoding utility to install RMP*Comp. (To obtain a free copy of the decoding utility Stuffit Expander, click here, then follow the instructions you'll see on your screen.). To uncompact the installer program, use your decoding utility (if you are using Stuffit Expander, either (1) drag the file onto the Stuffit Expander icon on your desktop, or (2) start Stuffit Expander, then from its File menu, choose Expand, then select the file).
  • Once you have uncompressed the RMP*Comp Installer, double-click it, click Install after viewing the introductory screens, and then follow the directions you'll see on your screen. The installer will look for a folder named "Hazmat." If it doesn't find this folder, it will create a new "Hazmat" folder on your hard drive (or startup volume, if you have more than one hard drive).
  • After you have installed the system, you can run it by opening the "Hazmat" folder, and then double-clicking the file "rmpcomp.sta".
  • Note: This version may not be compatible with the latest Macintosh operating system, OS X 10.4 (Tiger), running in Classic. It will not run on Macintosh computers with Intel microprocessors

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For both Macintosh and Windows, the RMP*Comp installer creates a "HAZMAT" directory (folder) at the location you indicated on your hard drive, and places RMP*Comp and its supporting files in that directory (folder). To ensure trouble-free operation of RMP*Comp, do not move any files out of the "Hazmat" directory (folder) or rename any files it contains. It serves as the location for all software produced by the CAMEO Team at NOAA and EPA (some supporting files used by RMP*Comp are also used by other software we produce). To ensure that you can download other software later without problems, don't move or rename the "Hazmat" directory (folder).


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