900 Oakesdale Ave. SW
Renton, WA 98057-5212

Fire safety: Winter holiday safety tips

Holiday trees

Selecting a tree

Needles should be green and hard to pull from the branch, and the trunk should be sticky to the touch. Old trees can be identified by bouncing the tree trunk on the ground. If needles fall off, you can assume the tree is no longer fresh and is a fire hazard.

Caring for trees

Never place trees near a heat source such as a fireplace or heat vent. The heat can cause the tree to dry out faster and ignite much easier. Never smoke near a holiday tree. Do not leave cut trees in the home for more than two weeks; always keep the water receptacle filled.

Disposing of your tree

Never put branches or needles in a fireplace or wood burning stove. When the tree becomes dry, discard it immediately. The best way to dispose of your tree is by taking it to a recycling center, or have it hauled away by a community pick-up service.

Holiday lights

Maintain your holiday lights

Use only lighting tested by an approved testing laboratory. Check your lights for frayed wires, bare spots, gaps in insulation, broken or cracked sockets, and excessive kinking or wear. If any of these conditions exist, discard the lights.

Do not overload electrical outlets

Do not link more than three strands of lights, unless directions specifically state that it is safe to do so. Connect strings of lights to an extension cord before plugging the cord into the outlet. Check the wires of your lights periodically. If they are warm or hot to the touch, they should be disconnected and replaced.

Extension cords

Do not use indoor extension cords outside. Use only those that are made specifically for outdoor use. Keep extension cords above ground and out of puddles and snow.

Turn off lights

Always turn off lights at night and when no one is home.

Candle care

Avoid using lit candles

If you do use candles, make sure they are in stable holders and placed where they cannot be knocked over easily. Be sure to locate candles where children and pets cannot reach them. Always extinguish candles at night and prior to leaving the house.

Never put lit candles on any type of tree

Do not go near a holiday tree with any open flame, candle, lighter, or matches, and never use a lit candle for a tree decoration.

Fireplace, wood burning stoves and heaters


Make sure to keep all combustibles away from fireplaces, wood burning stoves and heaters.


Make sure that fireplace screens are in place and in good condition.

Handling ashes

When emptying the fireplace or stove, be sure to place ashes into a metal container and place the container away from the house and other outdoor combustibles. Leave the ashes in the metal container until they are cold. NEVER leave this container in the house or garage.

See fire safety tips for more information.

Safety gift ideas

Thoughtful and practical gift ideas for the winter holidays include

  • smoke detectors/batteries
  • fire extinguisher
  • flashlights/batteries
  • first aid kit
  • carbon monoxide detector
  • second floor escape ladder
  • battery-powered radio.

The King County Fire Marshal Division wishes you a safe and joyful holiday season.