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Read the release 'Phoenix Images Discarded Heat Shield'

Phoenix Images Discarded Heat Shield
The Phoenix Mars Lander's Surface Stereo Imager took this image of the spacecraft's crumpled heat shield on Sept. 16, 2008, the 111th Martian day of the mission.

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Spotlight on Mars
Read the release 'Images Galore From Mars' Images Galore From Mars
Newly posted images from more than 1,000 observations by the high resolution camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter reveal details as small as a
desk. >>
University of AZ release >>
Read the release 'NASA Orbiter Images Suggest Mars Had Long Wet Spell' NASA Orbiter Images Suggest Mars Had Long Wet Spell
Water may have played a role in shaping parts of the Martian landscape a billion years longer than previously indicated, according to interpretation of images from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. >>
Planetary Science Institute site >>
Read the release 'More Soil Delivered to Phoenix Lab' More Soil Delivered to Phoenix Lab
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has successfully delivered more soil to its Wet Chemistry Laboratory. >>
Read the release 'NASA Selects 'MAVEN' Mission to Study Mars Atmosphere' NASA Selects 'MAVEN' Mission to Study Mars Atmosphere
NASA has selected a Mars robotic mission that will provide information about the Red Planet's atmosphere, climate history and potential habitability in greater detail than ever before. >>
Read the release 'NASA's Phoenix Lander Sees, Feels Martian Whirlwinds in Action' NASA's Phoenix Lander Sees, Feels Martian Whirlwinds in Action
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has photographed several dust devils dancing across the arctic plain this week and sensed a dip in air pressure as one passed near the lander. >>
Read the release 'Next Mars Soil Scoop Slated for Last of Lander's Wet Lab Cells' Next Mars Soil Scoop Slated for Last of Lander's Wet Lab Cells
The next soil sample that NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander will deliver to its deck instruments will go to the fourth of the four cells of Phoenix's wet chemistry laboratory, according to the Phoenix team's current plans. >>
Read the release 'Underneath Phoenix Lander 97 Sols After Touchdown' Underneath Phoenix Lander 97 Sols After Touchdown
The Robotic Arm Camera on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander took this image on Sept. 1, 2008, at about 4 a.m. local solar time during the 97th Martian day, or sol, since landing. >>
Read the release 'Spiky Probe on Phoenix Raises Vapor Quandary' Spiky Probe on Phoenix Raises Vapor Quandary
A fork-like conductivity probe has sensed humidity rising and falling beside Phoenix, but when stuck into the ground, its measurements so far indicate soil that is thoroughly and perplexingly dry. >>
Read the release 'Analysis Begins on Deepest Soil Sample' Analysis Begins on Deepest Soil Sample
Scientists have begun to analyze a sample of soil delivered to NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's wet chemistry experiment from the deepest trench dug so far in the Martian arctic plains. >>
Read the release 'A Tribute to Mars Exploration' A Tribute to Mars Exploration
As Americans celebrate Labor Day 2008, six flags stand in silent salute to the U.S. workforce on Mars. Three of the flags are on spacecraft still exploring Mars. >>
Read the release 'Ice Cold Sunrise on Mars' NASA Phoenix Mission Conducting Extended Activities on Mars
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander, having completed its 90-day primary mission, is continuing its science collection activities. Science and engineering teams are looking forward to at least another month of Martian exploration. >>
Read the release 'NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Climbing out of Crater' NASA Mars Rover Opportunity Ascends to Level Ground
NASA's Mars Exploration rover Opportunity is heading back out to the Red Planet's surrounding plains nearly a year after descending into a large Martian crater to examine exposed ancient rock layers. >>
Read the release 'NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Climbing out of Crater' NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Climbing out of Crater
NASA's Mars Exploration rover Opportunity is heading back out to the Red Planet's surrounding plains nearly a year after descending into a large Martian crater to examine exposed ancient rock layers. >>
Read the release 'Ice Cold Sunrise on Mars' Ice Cold Sunrise on Mars
From the location of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander, above the Martian arctic circle, the sun does not set during the peak of the Martian summer. >>
Read the release 'Digs Deeper As Third Month Nears End' Digs Deeper As Third Month Nears End
The next sample of Martian soil being grabbed for analysis is coming from a trench about three times deeper than any other trench NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has dug. >>
Read the release 'Mid-Depth Soil Collected for Lab Test On NASA's Mars Lander' Mid-Depth Soil Collected for Lab Test On NASA's Mars Lander
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander scientists and engineers are continuing to dig into the area around the lander with the spacecraft's robotic arm, looking for new materials to analyze and examining the soil and ice subsurface structure. >>
Read the release 'Phoenix Mars Lander Explores Site by Trenching' Phoenix Mars Lander Explores Site by Trenching
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander scientists and engineers are continuing to dig into the area around the lander with the spacecraft's robotic arm, looking for new materials to analyze and examining the soil and ice subsurface structure. >>
Read the release 'Phoenix Microscope Takes First Image of Martian Dust Particle' Phoenix Microscope Takes First Image of Martian Dust Particle
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has taken the first-ever image of a single particle of Mars' ubiquitous dust, using its atomic force microscope. >>
Read the release 'Martian Clays Tell Story of a Wet Past' Martian Clays Tell Story of a Wet Past
Layers of clay-rich rock at a potential landing site for future Mars rovers suggest a long-term history of liquid water activity, possibly including hot water, at the now-dry site. >>
more news >>
Read the release 'Ice Clouds in Martian Arctic (Accelerated Movie)'
Ice Clouds in Martian Arctic (Accelerated Movie)
Watch the Flight Director's Update
Flight Director's Update
Jul 31:  As Martian winter ebbs, there is more energy to power Spirit and Opportunity. Find out what our intrepid rovers are exploring
Listen to Phoenix Descend
Listen to Phoenix Descend
Watch the video 'Phoenix Landing - Nerves and Joy'
Phoenix Landing - Nerves and Joy
Watch the video 'Mars Landing Challenge -- Big Science Ahead'
Mars Landing Challenge -- Big Science Ahead
Watch the video 'Guided Tour of Mars Landing'
Guided Tour of Mars Landing
Watch the video 'Peeling Back Layers of a Martian Polar Ice Cap'
Peeling Back Layers of a Martian Polar Ice Cap
Watch the video 'The Challenges of Getting to Mars Phoenix Mars Lander: Entry Descent and Landing'
The Challenges of Getting to Mars: Entry Descent and Landing
more videos >>
Recent Images
Mars Odyssey Image for
September 17, 2008:
Tempe Terra
Tempe Terra
High-res at ASU THEMIS site
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (HiRISE) Image
September 12, 2008:
Deeply Incised Gullies on Massif Slope in Nereidum Montes
Deeply Incised Gullies on Massif Slope in Nereidum Montes
High-res at the UA HiRISE site.
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (CRISM) Image
June 30, 2008:
Olivine, Phyllosilicates, and Ancient Crater Rims
Olivine, Phyllosilicates, and Ancient Crater Rims
High-res at the JHU APL CRISM site
Mars Weather Report
September 01-07, 2008:
View Martian Weather Report
at the MSSS MARCI site
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