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Mimi Garringer, (Administrative Officer)
614-255-2519 (p)
614-255-2540 (f)

  • eGov and Online Business



Jeff Mitchell, (Conservation Chief)
614-255-2447 (p)
614-255-2542 (f)

  • CRP Practices and Pictures - Coming soon
  • Northern Bobwhite Quail Habitat Initiative - fact sheet
  • Link to Ohio's SAFE map, - Coming soon

  • Ohio has 3 CREP's
  • Lake Erie CREP,


  • Grassland Reserve Program (GRP) - Coming soon



Farm Loan

David Drake, (Farm Loan Chief)
614-255-2457 (p)




Geographic Information System (GIS)

Hayes Hubb, (State GIS Coordinator)
614-255-2532 (p)
614-255-2542 (f)




Price Support

Carletha Fasching, (Price Support Chief)
614-255-2451 (p)
614-255-2542 (f)




Production Adjustment/Compliance/Risk Management

Rick Borland, (Production Adjustment/Compliance/Risk Management Chief)
614-255-2446 (p)
614-255-2542 (f)

  • Direct and Counter-cyclical Program, - fact sheet
  • Foreign Investment
  • Payment Limitation
  • Risk Management



Call or write us at:
United States Department of Agriculture
Ohio Farm Service Agency
200 North High St. Room 540
Columbus, OH 43215


Date Last Modified 09/03/2008



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