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In the News







Click here to access the Final County Office Closure proposal.

Welcome to Ohio

In Ohio, agriculture is a huge industry. One in seven Ohioans are employed in the food and agriculture industry which contributes over $93 billion to the state's economic growth.

Ohio's top commodities include: soybeans, corn, wheat, tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes, Swiss cheese and egg production.


State Executive Director Message

John Stevenson, State Executive Director for the Ohio Farm Service Agency

The Farm Service Agency (FSA) provides federal program benefits to Ohio's farmers and producers' in terms of loans for operating and land purchase, commodity price supports, disaster relief, emergency assistance, conservation and other needed agriculture support efforts.

Through these activities, FSA supports the USDA mission and helps ensure a healthful, stable, accessible and affordable food supply. Through these programs, FSA also fosters good land stewardship, which will help preserve our agricultural land for generations to come.


John A. Stevenson
State Executive Director, Ohio


Ohio FSA State Committee Members include:

  • Dorothy Leslie, Chairperson
  • Tim Ratliff, Member
  • Harold Bateson, Member
  • Roy Klopenstein, Member
  • Bill Bayliss, Member


Click here if eGov and Online Business interest you. Contact your local FSA office if you have questions about eGov and Online Business.


Important Dates to Remember

  • Aug. 15 -- Final certification date for all crops. Late fees will be assessed after Aug. 15.
  • Sept. 1 --- Labor Day Holiday. FSA Offices Closed.
  • Sept. 16 -- Final date for the SURE, EALHF, LFP or TAP programs.
  • Sept. 30 -- Deadline to sign-up for 2008 Direct and Counter-cyclical Payment Program.
  • Sept. 30 -- Deadline to approve CRP Re-Enrollments Expiring.
  • Dec. 1 ---- Application deadline for 2009 NAP coverage for Fall Crops
  • Continuous -- Farm Storage Facility Loan program.


In the Spotlight

2007 Farm Bill logo

COC Elections


Call or write us at:

United States Department of Agriculture
Ohio Farm Service Agency
200 North High St. Room 540
Columbus, OH 43215



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