)EiJARTHENT OF GENETICS THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Madison, 6 November 18, 1950. Dr. T. $1. Sonneborn, Department of Zoology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Dear Tracy: . This letter concerns the project for republication of papers in microbial genetics, which the University of '~'&sco-nsin Press has agreed to undertake, and which we discussed briefly at various occasions. I have waited this long to send you the list of titles because I hoped to have your judgment at the most difficult stage, i.e., the transition from a tentative to a definite list of titles. Such a list is enclosed with this letter. 1 would appreciate it very much if you could study it 1 _ and make suggestions that might improve it, or make it a more useful 3 adjunct to your forthcoming (?) text. , Unfortunately, I can't resist a few words of explanation or agology, probably along the lines of the introduction to the collection. The UY Preas Committee, on the basis of a questionnaire (which was much too fussy and was sent to too many people) has agreed to a volume of only about 300 ppo3 so as to keep "the cost at a level which will attract a moderate sale. The title list is already of $his length, So that (except for a very short paper) any amendations will have to displace one of the titles already down. I have put a o next the'titlos I thought the most dispensable, but would appreciate it if you would include the titles to be displaced in any recommendations for change. In making these choices, I have had to keep in mind various elements of availability with respect to lengt??, copyrights, and original place of publication. I could not make any < for example: suitable inclusions for yeast genetics, Winga's publications are inextricably secured by copyright; Lindegren's contributions are buried in the preponderant content of his papers, and I couldn't justify Spiegelmn's work as the sole representative of yeast genetics, aside from the problem of chooLing a suitable papet. Yeast is a lacuna I shall simply have to apologize for. I would have liked .$ very much to put in Ephrussi's acriflavine story - but will await your recom- nendation as to precisely which paper to ticlude. f . 1 If I may make some judgment on my o;~n efforts, the sections on bacteria, phage, and paramecium are probably reaaonably well covered, within the limitations of tie project. I am not especially happy about fungi or about the enforced exclusion of yeast or algae, but don't know quite what to do about it. It might have been a better idea to have restricted the area to bacterial genetics, which because of the wide diversity of lines of research lends itself best to this treatment. However, this restriction would not best serve the immediate teaching neede which motivated the volume, and in any evsnt, unless there is very strong sentiment to the contrary, I sm already committed wi"J the Press to a more general essay. There may be a brighter side to this,however. This project is very much an experiment. A number of people have already indicated that, if it is aucceseful, it should be extended to other fields (and I have heard that Raper may be doin g something similar on myco-physiology at Chicago). If so, it may turn out to be for the better that fields such as f?ungi and protozoa are not d&eloped here to an extent which might preempt a more detailed and satisfactory treatment. Along this line, Luria suggested patting the volume out in 3cme loose-leaf or similar form which would facilitate additions, and the idea seems sound, as well as reducing the binding costs which are multiplied threefold in the retail price. Finally (or almost finally), ,I have tried to avoid considerations of personalities or priorities in selectWg the titles, hoping to make up for it in the explanatory introduction. Tatum's name is, for exaple, grossly under-represented. I hope that my other colleagues and seniors are going to take comparable omissions in as good a spirit. May I suggest the following fi&?ds from which substitutions might es- pecially be considered and for,which specific recommendations would be ffery helpful: bacterial cytology ; mutagenesis A( fungi: ascus segregations ; non-ascomycetes * i. l-bTwwy~&~~~~hN yeast: good cytoplasmic inheritance; mating ypes /' protozoa -- algae- are any of Moewus' papers particularly suitable You know that your comments will be considered very closely; unfortunately, there are controlling factors which may make it impossible to follow all of them even if I wished to. P.S. If you could possible spare a reprint (or bettt&two) of your 1943 ana 1948 papers, it would help considerably in setting up copy. They can be re- turned tc you in reconstructed condition (as well, of course, compliinetary copy of the book). as in a ,' 23 gi& 6-3 G 30 2 21 10 52 22 I.2 28 go 7 0 18 11 16 Lucia md Delbruck 1943 Genetica (Bactex+.al m-ta-tkm - varianm nmzaly%io) ihur. C-enetics (St&ieWcal diotributicn 02 mtmrb and ~aasummnt of m&i&ion rates) Bature (origin of bactmial vnrian%s) Gan%tfc% ( rt3coi3bi.?atfon) ExpQrientra (biochmical mtanta) 3. Bact, (dru.g-res~&$&3: sts? =;utat,ions) Jo Zxp. i%d. (pneumcoccus frnn3fsmtion) Auatrr 3. Exp. i3i01. Eed. (iyoogh.ci~ky) G6neticit (recombination) chM3tics (izrultiplicity YY3aOtivatiffl) R1.43 ( 13-b :;ouros~orn paper) Sadlo @-Cconmd-?, 2.~44 Censt~Oa (~iO~JZW5pomta hstarokasybns) Lhdsgren 19j3? Torrey 3%. Club (Aocus so~rsgstims) Rxi.tt and Larq$ord I.947 Amer. 3. Botany (Tenturia: hhsr. of pa-thogenicity)