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The National Agricultural Library Digital Repository (NALDR) provides access to primarily historical USDA publications either digitized by NAL or through NAL’s partnerships with other institutions.
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missionary strawberries affected by Rhizoctonia hard brown rotJournal of Agricultural Research (JAR)
USDA. Agricultural Research Service.
The research results of the Department and Experiment Stations were published in JAR in 78 volumes from 1913 to 1949. Go to the Tables of Contents to browse the issues. (Added September 2008)
Sample of hemp hurds showing hemp fiber and pieces of wood tissueHemp hurds as paper-making materials
United States Department of Agriculture.
Published in 1916 as USDA Bulletin number 404, the first part of this paper provides a brief overview of the agricultural aspects of hemp. The second part discusses the results of a preliminary investigation into the use of hemp in the manufacture of book and printing papers. (Added August 2008)
Last Modified: September 19, 2008      
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