Footnotes for
Table 3.11.4. Price Indexes for National Defense Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type

1. National defense consumption expenditures are defense services produced by government that are valued at their cost of production. Excludes government sales to other sectors and government own-account investment (construction and software).
2. Consumption of fixed capital, or depreciation, is included in government gross output as a partial measure of the services of general government fixed assets; the use of depreciation assumes a zero net return on these assets.
3. Includes general government intermediate inputs for goods and services sold to other sectors and for own-account investment.
4. Own-account investment is measured in current dollars by compensation of general government employees and related expenditures for goods and services and is classified as investment in structures and in software.
5. Gross government investment consists of general government and government enterprise expenditures for fixed assets; inventory investment is included in government consumption expenditures.
