FEDERAL SECURITY AGENd PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE . NATIONAL INSTJTUTES OF HEALTH APPLICATION FOR RESEARCH GRANT 1 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE oMQ?-~) NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Rec.Z-U-52 Date DIVISION OF RESEARCH GRANTS Bethesda 14, Maryland Application is hereby made for a grant in the amount of $ d for the period from mtambm 1 through 31 Month DV YOU Month DW YOU inclusive fnof +o exceed I yearrl for the purpose of conducting a research project on the following subiec): IBJvo only brJ.f duertptlvo +JtJ.J TITLE OF PROJECT Bbnnfiam ctlc lWh8x%8 NAME OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIOATOR awlltea Ildakrrg TITLE OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR AawflM8 - 8f 4lmmth8 ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR lhYp?aMR& ap Qaaefias unirarsity af uieuouein Elsdism6 ~&~acarain NAME OF FINANCIAL OFFICER TITLE OF PINANCIAL OCPI~KR TO WHOM CHECK SHOULD IIE MAILED ADDRESS OF FINANCIAL OFFICER &8uml Han u*waty 8f Yiraanain mdiaon 6, W~~uurmin AGREEMENT It Is understood and agreed by the applicant: (I) That funds granted as a result of this r&test am to be expended for the purposes set forth herein; (2) that the grant may be revoked in whole or part ,at any time by the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, provided that a revocation shall not include any amount obligated previous to the effective date of the revocation if such obligations were made SOMY for the