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ILAR Journal V43 Supplement 2002
Regulatory Testing and Animal Welfare

The ICLAS/CCAC International Symposium on Regulatory Testing and Animal Welfare: Introduction and Overview
Gilly Griffin, William S. Stokes, Steven P. Pakes, and Clement Gauthier

Safety Assessment Process and Animal Use

The Safety Assessment Process--Setting the Scene: An FDA Perspective
Leonard M. Schechtmann
Animal Use in the Safety Evaluation of Chemicals: Harmonization and Emerging Needs
Horst Spielman

Refinement, Reduction, and Replacement of Animal Use for Regulatory Testing: Current Best Scientific Practices

Incorporating the 3Rs into Regulatory Scientific Practices
Sherry Sterling and Amy Rispin
Tiered Testing Strategies--Acute Local Toxicity
Katherine A. Stitzel
Acute Systemic Toxicity
Philip A. Botham
Humane Endpoints for Laboratory Animals Used in Regulatory Testing
William S. Stokes
Preclinical Safety Evaluation Using Nonrodent Species: An Industry/Welfare Project to Minimize Dog Use
David Smith, Caren Broadhead, Gerard Descotes, Richard Fosse, Ruediger Hack, Klaus Krauser, Rudolf Pfister, Barry Phillips, Yvon Rabemampianina, James Sanders, Sue Sparrow, Markus Stephan-Gueldner, and Soren Dyring Jacobsen
Refinement, Reduction, and Replacement of Animal Use for Regulatory Testing: Current Best Scientific Practices for the Evaluation of Safety and Potency of Biologicals
Coenraad F. M. Hendriksen
Animal Care Best Practices for Regulatory Testing
Denise Fillman-Holliday and Margaret S. Landi
Best Practices for Animal Care Committees and Animal Use Oversight
W. Ron DeHaven

Refinement, Reduction, and Replacement of Animal Use for Regulatory Testing: Future Improvements and Implementation Within the Regulatory Environment

Refinement, Reduction, and Replacement of Animal Use for Regulatory Testing: Future Improvements and Implementation Within the Regulatory Framework
Jon Richmond
Future Improvements: Replacement In Vitro Methods
Michael Balls
Possibilities for Refinement and Reduction: Future Improvements Within Regulatory Testing
Martin L. Stephens, Kathleen Conlee, Gina Alvino, and Andrew N. Rowan
Future Improvements and Implementation of Animal Care Practices Within the Animal Testing Regulatory Environment
Pierre Guittin and Thierry Decelle
Implementation of the 3Rs (Refinement, Reduction, and Replacement): Validation and Regulatory Acceptance Considerations for Alternative Toxicological Test Methods
Leonard M. Schechtman
ICH Guidelines--Implementation of the 3Rs (Refinement, Reduction, and Replacement): Incorporating Best Scientific Practices into the Regulatory Process
Yasuo Ohno
Principles and Guidelines for the Development of a Science-based Decision Making Process Facilitating the Implementation of the 3Rs by Governmental Regulators
Clément Gauthier

Refinement, Reduction and Replacement of Animal Use for Regulatory Testing: Recommendations for Implementation of Best Scientific Practices

The International Symposium on Regulatory Testing and Animal Welfare: Recommendations on Best Scientific Practices for Acute Local Skin and Eye Toxicity Testing
Philip A. Botham, A. Wallace Hayes, and David Moir
The International Symposium on Regulatory Testing and Animal Welfare: Recommendations on Best Scientific Practices for Acute Systemic Toxicity Testing
Katherine A. Stitzel, Horst Spielmann, and Gilly Griffin
The International Symposium on Regulatory Testing and Animal Welfare: Recommendations on Best Scientific Practices for Subchronic/Chronic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity Testing
Robert Combes, Leonard Schechtman, William S. Stokes, and David Blakey
The International Symposium on Regulatory Testing and Animal Welfare: Recommendations on Best Scientific Practices for Safety Evaluation Using Nonrodent Species
L. Bruce Weekley, Pierre Guittin, and Guy Chamberland
The International Symposium on Regulatory Testing and Animal Welfare: Recommendations on Best Scientific Practices for Animal Care in Regulatory Toxicology
Tim Morris, Stéphane Goulet, and David Morton
The International Symposium on Regulatory Testing and Animal Welfare: Recommendations on Best Scientific Practices for Biologicals: Safety and Potency Evaluations
Klaus Cussler, Jodie Kulpa, and Jerry Calver
The International Symposium on Regulatory Testing and Animal Welfare: Recommendations on Best Scientific Practices for Animal Care Committees and Animal Use Oversight
Jon Richmond, Andrew Fletch, and Robert Van Tongerloo



Special Thanks to Institutional Supporters

ILAR Journal is published quarterly by the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20418 (Tel: 202-334-2590; Fax: 202-334-1687; E-mail: It is circulated to members of the ILAR Associates program. ILAR Journal is indexed in MEDLINE, AGRICOLA, and EMBASE.

ILAR Journal ISSN 1084-2020
Volume 43, Supplement 2002

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